- It is difficult to make a living by trading in original works of art. 专做艺术原作的生意而谋生是很难的。
- It's difficult to make a living by trading in original works of art. 靠出售艺术原作谋生是很困难的。
- The illness is organic in origin. 该病起初是器质性疾患。
- It was abridged from the original work. 这是原书的节录本。
- Selected Readings in Original Works of Social Anthropology 课程名称:社会人类学原著选读
- A large proportion of the texts are original works. 课文中很大一部分是原著。
- Are your parts brand-new in original package? 您的货是全新原装货吗?
- Please do not send in original documents. 请不要递交证明文件的正本。
- Bad translation mutilates the original work. 拙劣的译本将原作删改得支离破碎。
- Detect Poison. {Andor: absence in original text. 侦测毒性:侦测单个生物或小型物体带有的毒性。
- It was abridge from the original work. 它由原著缩略而成。
- At last, the flora is ancient in origin. 区系起源古老。
- It is abridged from the original work. 这是由原本删节的。
- Nylon differs from silk in origin and cost. 尼龙和真丝在原料和成本上都不一样。
- It was abridged from to original work. 这是由原本删节的。
- Her family is Portuguese in origin. 她的家族是葡萄牙血统。
- This philosophy is western in origin. 这种哲学起源于西方。
- Rarely, floaters may be inflammatory in origin. 少数的飞蚊者是遗传。
- "True lacquerwork is Chinese or Japanese in origin. 真正的漆器起源于中国或日本。
- Catalogue, Book, Package and Poster please submit original works. 书籍设计、宣传册设计、包装设计和海报设计作品请提交原件。