- Imports will be allowed in proportion to exports. 容许的进口量将按照出口的多少而定。
- The room is wide in proportion to its height. 这房间就其高度的比例而言是很宽的。
- This door is narrow in proportion to its height. 这扇门就其高度的比例而言窄了些。
- Payment will be in proportion to the work done, not to the time spent doing it. 报酬将与工作量成比例,而不是与花费的时间成比例。
- Their earnings are in proportion to their skill. 他们的收入与技术成比例。
- His success is in proportion to his effort. 他的成功和努力成正比。
- In proportion to the number of students we should build 3 dining rooms. 按学生人数,我们应该建三个餐厅。
- Man is arrogant in proportion to his ignorance. 越是无知的人,越是妄自尊大。
- His expenditure is not in proportion to his income. 他的支出与收入不平衡。
- Each man's pay will be in proportion to his work. 每个人的报酬将与其工作成比例。
- The house is tall in proportion to its width. 按照宽度来说这房子是很高的。
- The royalty rate shall be calculated in proportion to the net sale of the product turn out with the transferred technology. 提成率应按照采用转让技术生产出来的产品纯销售额的一定比例来计算。
- A thing is valued in proportion to its rarity. 物以稀为贵。
- Her expenditure is not in proportion to her income. 她的收入和开支不相称。
- He is cleverer than you in proportion to his years. 他比你聪明,这与你俩年龄成比例。
- Each tax is in proportion to the national average. 每一样税都符合国家平均水平。
- Do you think we are paid in proportion to the hours we work? 你认为我们的薪水与工作时间相称吗?
- They are not paid in proportion to the number of hours they work. 他们所得的报酬同他们工作的时间不成正比例。
- A man's vanity is actually in proportion to ignorance. 一个人的虚荣心实际上和他的愚蠢程度成正比。
- He is cleverer than you are in proportion to his years. 以他的年龄而论,他比你聪明些。