- In recent times the price of just about everything has gone up. 近来差不多样样东西都涨价。
- In recent times, pollution has gone from bad to worse all over the world. 近来污染在全世界日益严重。
- The trend of religious thought in recent times (James Harvey Robinson). 近些时候宗教思想的趋势(詹姆士·哈维·罗宾逊)。
- In recent times the most striking exports have been in the vocabulary of lacrosse and hockey. 在近代最突出的外来词是有关长曲棍球和曲棍球运动方面的词汇。
- In recent times, toasts have become rude, perfunctory and vulgar, reflecting a general fall in manners and eloquence. 近来,敬酒变得粗鲁、率而又庸俗,这表明人们的礼节和口才大不如前。
- In recent times, glass and reflections have taken over the interfaces of everything in sight. 最近,“玻璃”效果和“倒影”效果在所有可视界面上大行其道。
- In recent times the Faraday effect has been put to even more exciting and promising uses. 目前,法拉第效应还有更令人鼓舞的,有前途的应用。
- In recent times,though still exerting a tremendous influence on Fiat,and its subsidiaries which included Ferrari,Agnelli was appointed honorary chairman. 尽管近年来阿涅利对菲亚特集团及其包括法拉利公司在内的各产业公司仍有非常大的影响,但他只被委任为名誉董事长。
- In recent times, famous Presidents have included Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon. 在稍近的年代,美国著名的总统有富兰克林·罗斯福、怀特·埃森豪威尔,以及理查德·尼克松。
- But randomly and wantonly chipping off pieces of marble from monuments which have adorned the city for centuries is something new in recent times. 但是,随随便便就在几个世纪以来装点城市的纪念性建筑物上肆意切下大理石碎片,却还是近来的新生事物。
- This island volcano, located off the coast of Java in Indonesia is the largest recorded terrestrial explosion in recent times. 这个位于印度尼西亚爪哇海岸外的火山岛是现代最大的陆地喷发记录地区。
- In recent times he has reviewed and restructured the way forward in the event he isn't here. 最近他又审视,调整了多次,把基金的方向改变为:如果他不在切尔西的角度上。”
- Some of such energy is the result of nuclear bombs dropped in recent times, such as Nagasaki or Hiroshima. 这类能量部分是历史近期核弹的结果,如广岛与长崎。
- Sales Force Automation Sales Force Automation (SFA) is a subject that has received much attention in recent times. 越来越多的企业都说想到达年轻人,因为年轻人逐渐成为消费的主流。
- China experinces in recent times a history when China is teased for its weakness and poorness. 近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。
- Her books have gone off in recent years. 近年来她写的书质量下降了。
- The government's control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years. 近年来政府对报纸的控制已经变松了。
- This island volcano,located off the coast of Java in Indonesia is the largest recorded terrestrial explosion in recent times. 这个位于印度尼西亚爪哇海岸外的火山岛是现代最大的陆地喷发记录地区。
- In recent times, the RMB exchange rate is rising higher, the raw material price is rising too. That caused our quote higher. 由于近期人民币汇率升幅较大,原材料也在涨价。这些都是价格上涨的原因。
- British shipping has decreased in recent years. 英国的船舶吨数近年来已经减少了。