- In the vain hope of persuading him. 指望说服他而徒费口舌。
- I sought to persuade him, but in vain. 我试图说服他,但无效。
- I tried to make his peace with her, but in vain. 我试图使他与她和好,但还是白搭。
- When prayer so often proves in vain Hope 希望转眼成泡影
- Unfortunately, that hope had proved in vain. 使人扫兴的是,这种希望成了泡影。
- I tried to console her, but in vain. 我试着去安慰她,但是无效。
- I hope our efforts won't be in vain. 我希望我们的努力不会白费。
- All our entreaties were in vain. 我们的乞求全是枉然。
- They endeavoured to make her happy but in vain. 他们尽量使她快乐,却徒劳无功。
- We tried in vain to make him change his mind. 我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。
- Hullo! Who's that, taking my name in vain? 喂!是谁在那儿议论我?
- All his father's exhortations were in vain. 他父亲的一切劝告都无效。
- I knocked loudly in the vain hope that someone might answer. 我敲门敲得很响,希望有人应声,却是徒然。
- He tried in vain to catch the butterfly on the flower. 他白费力气想抓住停在花上的蝴蝶。
- Day after day she waited in vain for him to telephone her. 日复一日,她徒劳地等待他的电话。
- He tried to object against me for the position, but in vain. 他竭力反对我获取那个职位,但没有成功。
- The enemy officer tried to sort his men out, but in vain. 敌军官试图将其部下整顿一番,但结果是白费气力。
- He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. 他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。
- Such end had the vain hope that Troilus set on base Criseida. 本文不是为“剽窃”辩护,只是让大家对“剽窃”有一个完整的认知。
- He tried to hustle along through the crowd, but in vain. 他试图挤著穿过人群,但是过不去。