- Never place the safety in between positions, since half-safe is unsafe. 绝不能把保险置于中间位置(安全”与“开火”位置之间)“半安全”是不安全的。
- He got in between the other two people. 他插入另外两个人中间。
- Our car was sandwiched in between two trucks. 我们的汽车被两辆卡车夹在中间。
- There are too many TV advertisements in between the program. 这个电视节目中的广告太多了。
- The folder was sandwiched in between the two bulging files in the drawer. 这硬纸卡被挤在抽屉里的两个鼓鼓的档案夹里了。
- In between the rows of corn there was a scarecrow. 在玉米行中间有一稻草人。
- The child was sandwiched in between his parents. 那孩子夹在他父母中间。
- We have two lessons this morning, but there's some free time in between. 今天上午我们有两节课,课间有些休息时间。
- I will be in between six and eight. 我6点至8点都在。
- In the bus,I was jammed in between two fat women. 在汽车里,我被夹在两个胖女人中间。
- Michael could get caught in between. 迈克尔夹在老、少矛盾中间,日子很不好过。
- I can slot you in between 3 and 4. 我可以把你插到第3和第4之间。
- I don't care if she's black, white or in between. 我不管她是黑皮肤、白皮肤,还是半黑半白。
- Caught in between these two worlds finding our way. 夹在两个世界中间寻找我们的路。
- Does this bus go to xxx? How many stops in between? 废话,又不是站站停?
- In between, they had snatches of private talk. 在这中间,他们有时私下谈上几句。
- You can pick out any one in between. 在两者之间你可以拿任何一个。
- East, West or Somewhere in Between? 东方?西方?还是折衷一下?
- I don't know aht's the difference between position tol. and concentricity, can you figure out? 翻译:我不知道位置度公差和同轴度公差的区别,你能给我解释一下吗?
- But just this little space in between. 而是我们之间这小小的空间。