- He was inclined to give them a free hand. 他倾向于放手让他们干。
- I'm inclined to believe him innocent. 我倾向于相信他的无辜。
- I'm inclined to tiredness in winter. 我在冬天易于疲劳。
- Generally speaking, I'm inclined to agree with you. 总的说来,我比较同意你的意见。
- I'm inclined to believe he's innocent. 我颇以为他是无辜的。
- I am inclined to agree with you. 我同意你的看法。
- Prices are, I apprehend, inclined to rise. 依我看,价格有上涨趋势。
- He's inclined to telephone at all hours of the day or night. 他不分白天黑夜,想打电话就打。
- Characterized by or inclined to coercion. 强迫的表现出或倾向于强制的
- Inclined to be vexed or troubled; peevish. 烦躁的易被激怒或困扰的; 易怒的
- Inclined to flaunt; ostentatious. 炫耀的,虚华的倾向于炫耀的; 卖弄的
- Inclined to make trouble; unruly. 难驾驭的容易挑拨是非的; 不听指挥的
- Marked by or inclined to waste; extravagant. 浪费的以浪费为特征或倾向于浪费的; 挥霍的
- The car is inclined to stall when it's cold outside. 这辆汽车天冷时爱熄火。
- The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter. 这片沼泽地带在冬季一踏就陷下去了。
- He had been inclined to talkativeness, but gradually he became rather reserved. 他过去是比较爱说话的,但慢慢变得沉默寡言了。
- He is inclined to magnify difficulties. 他老是爱夸大困难。
- I still believe they incline to that way. 我仍然相信他们倾向于那种方式。
- He has an inclination to stoutness/to be fat. 他有发福[发胖]的趋势。
- No one seems inclined to ask a question, will you set the ball rolling, Tom? 似乎没人想要提出问题,汤姆,你能开个头吗?