- He assist me with my income tax return. 他帮助我填写所得税申报单。
- He neglected to return his income tax form. 他忽略了所得税表格的申报。
- He is griping about his income tax again. 他又在唠叨所得税了。
- The senate was censured for income tax evasion. 这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。
- income tax bracket 所得税等级
- Nowadays income tax is normally deducted from a person's wages. 现在,所得税通常是在发工资前就已经扣除了。
- The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax. 税务局负责征收所得税。
- Have you any qualms about cheating on your income tax? 你在所得税上做了手脚,良心上没有感到不安吗?
- I send all my income tax query to my accountant. 我把所有有关所得税的疑问送交会计师。
- I don't think they can avoid paying the income tax. 我认为他们不能避免支付所得税。
- The income tax have make more liar out of the american people than gold have. 所得税比黄金把更多的美国人造成了说谎者。
- How much income tax do I have to pay? 我应该交多少收入所得税?
- How much income tax do you have to kick over? 你要缴纳多少所得税?
- Is there an overall income tax rate here in China? 在中国有统一的所得税税率吗?
- Half of my wages go in income tax. 我的一半工资用来付所得税。
- Most individuals are in a higher tax bracket in their working years than during retirement. 大多数的个人在工作的年度内的征税税率段要比在退休的时候更高。
- I am filling in (out) my income tax form. 我正在填写所得税申报表。
- The IRS audits questionable income tax returns. 美国国内税务局审计可疑的所得税报告。
- Let's say hypothetically that the cost for a partner benefit is $10000 a year and the employee is at the 40 percent marginal tax bracket. 我们来假设一下,配偶的保险费是每年1万美元,而雇员的边缘税率是40%25。
- There are now only two tax brackets,22% and 40%. 现在纳税收入只有两个纳税档次:22%25,和 40%25。