- income distribution problem 收入分配
- Is income distribution an issue? 收入分配重要吗?
- Proprietorship Theory correctly solve the final ascription problem of income distribution. 所有权理论则正确地解决了收入分配的最终归属问题;
- What's the Next Step for China's Income Distribution Policy? 中国收入分配向何处去?
- Levels of mass poverty are indicated by the income distribution in the country. 民众贫困的水平是通过该国的收入分配来表示的。
- Things have yet to be straightened out in the matter of income distribution. 收入分配关系尚未理顺。
- We should deepen reform of the system for income distribution and progressively rationalize it. 深化收入分配制度改革,逐步理顺分配关系。
- The boundary conditions for the liquid distribution problem of structured packed columns were proposed. 提出了干傻事填料塔液体分布问题的边界条件。
- The more likely explanation can be found in the enormous imbalance in world income distribution. 世界收入分配的巨大的不平衡状况似乎是更为可信的解释。
- Similarly, the distribution problem as a blocked return of red chips is also an obstacle to mislead the public. 同样,把发行方式问题当成阻拦红筹回归的障碍也是混淆视听。
- A glance at the income distribution in the U.S. shows how pointed is the income pyramid, how broad its base. 对美国的收入分配稍加观察便可以看出收入的金字塔具有多么尖的顶和多么宽的底。
- Rationalizing the relations of income distribution bears on the immediate interests of the general public and the display of their initiative. 理顺分配关系,事关广大群众的切身利益和积极性的发挥。
- In the poor countries the main concern focused on the question of growth versus income distribution. 穷国关注的主要问题是增长与收入分配的关系。
- This then allows the game developer to offload the content management and distribution problem to the middleware infrastructure, rather than building their own system. 这样做可以允许游戏开发者将内容管理和发布问题推给中间件基础架构,而不用构建他们自己的系统。
- Efforts should be made to deepen the reform of income distribution system and standardize social distribution order. 深化收入分配制度改革,规范社会分配秩序。
- Electricity prices to rise, in order to rationalize the unreasonable prices and income distribution relations. 电煤价格上涨,是为了理顺不合理的价格关系和收入分配关系。
- A glance at the income distribution in the U.S shows how pointed is the income pyramid, how broad its base. 对美国的收入分配稍加观察便可以看出收入的金字塔具有多么尖的顶和多么宽的底。
- We should standardize the order of income distribution, properly regulate the excessively high income of some monopoly industries and outlaw illegal gains. 规范分配秩序,合理调节少数垄断性行业的过高收入,取缔非法收入。
- Market malfunction is caused by the following five aspects, information problem, exterior problem, monopoly problem, short-term action problem and distribution problem, which needs government control. 市场失灵是由信息问题、外部性问题、垄断问题、行为短期化问题和分配问题等五个方面造成的,需要政府来管制。
- Deepen the reform of the income distribution system and improve the social security system. 深化分配制度改革,健全社会保障体系。