- They postulate excessive increase in price. 他们把物价过度增长视为当然。
- They postulate excessive increase in price . 他们把物价过度增长视为当然。
- The increase in petroleum imports reflected a jump in price. 石油进口量增长表现为石油价格的上涨。
- Fuel supplies are depressed because of the oil's increase in price. 燃料供应因为原油价格上涨减少了。
- The increase in prices is beyond control. 物价上涨已失去了控制。
- Petrol has increased in price or the price of petrol has increased. 汽油涨价了。
- If costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices. 如果成本增加,价格就会相应上涨。
- The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices. 薪水的提高比率和物价的上升一致。
- We did not provide for such a great increase in prices. 我们没有想到价格的增幅会这么大,所以没有充分的准备。
- Egypt raises bread subsidies to support an increase in prices. 埃及提高对面包的津贴以应付价格上扬的趋势。
- The barely noticeable but persistent increase in prices. 物价不断上涨,但因涨幅很小而不为人注意。
- The increase in price is proportional to the improvement in the car. 在小车方面,价格的增加相应比例提高了性能。
- Consumption of oil increase even after it rise in price. 即使涨价后石油的消费仍在增长。
- Increasing costs resulted in proportionate increases in prices. 成本增加使得价格相应提高。
- The water is treated, purified and sold to us, often at a thousandfold increase in price. 瓶装水公司将市政供水经过加工,处理被卖给我们,就可以得到高额的利润。
- So while all the Chinese good increase in price, all of the goods stateside will hold steady. 中国商品涨价了,国内的产品就能站住脚跟了。
- We will make some concession in price. 我们将在价格上做些让步。
- Corrosive anxiety; corrosive increases in prices; a corrosive narcotics trade. 破坏性的担忧; 破坏性的物价上升; 有害的麻醉剂买卖
- Instead of wasting money on stationery and envelopes and stamps (which seem to increase in price about every year),I can chat with veryone through the Internet. 不愿在信笺、信封和邮票(其价格似乎每年都在上涨)上浪费钱财,我可以通过因特网与每个人聊天。
- BTW, Demand of peanut is in a large scale, which will lead to an increase in price, but if accepted immediately, you will benefit during the increase. 顺便奉告,近来对花生的需求甚大,结果必将导致价格上涨。不过,要是你方立即接受,就有可能从行市的上涨中得到好处。