- Exactly what causes this increased longevity is unclear. 而严格来讲这其中的原因还不得而知。
- Caption: Altered fasting metabolism may contribute to the increased longevity of Snell dwarf mice (bottom). 文字说明:加快新陈代谢可促使Snell侏儒小鼠(下方)延长寿命。
- Increased Fuk increased longevity, wealth, etc., is the main content of Spring Festival couplets. 增福增寿、招财进宝等话是春联里的主要内容。
- This is a group of astringent, organic compounds derived from grape skins, stems and pips that dissolve into wine during fermentation and imbue it with depth, character and increased longevity. 这种有机物来自葡萄皮、梗和籽实,在发酵过程中溶解,它使葡萄酒有内涵、特征和寿命。
- They help eradicate disease, expand food production and increase longevity. 它们帮助消除疾病,扩大粮食生产,延长人寿命。
- They help eradicate disease,expand food production and increase longevity. 它们帮助消除疾病,扩大粮食生产,延长人寿命。
- Using a mouse model of longevity, Terry Combs and colleagues report that changes in metabolism can indeed increase longevity. Terry Combs及其同事使用小鼠作为动物模型进行寿命研究,他们报道代谢变化确实能够延长寿命。
- Jade: Strengthens the heart, kidneys and immune system. Helps cleanse the blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids in eye disorders and female problems. 玉:有助于强化心脏、泌尿系统和免疫力系统,净化血液,延长寿命并提高生殖能力。对治疗常见的妇女疾病和内分泌失调也有帮助。
- Researchers also concluded that having a healthy lifestyle and weight that reduces insulin levels could also be an important factor in increasing longevity in humans. 研究人员还得出结论:拥有健康的生活方式及其对于胰岛素水平需求较低的体重是一个延长人类寿命的重要因素。
- Hence, a whey protein diet appears to enhance the liver and heart glutathione concentration in aging mice and to increase longevity over a 6.3 months observation period. 因此在6.;3月的研究观察期内,喂食乳浆蛋白能够提升老龄小鼠肝脏和心脏组织的谷胱甘肽水平,并且延长寿命。
- Fragility fractures are becoming more common and with increasing longevity it seems likely that orthopaedic surgeons will see more such fractures in progressively older patients. 随着寿命的增加,脆性骨折变得起来起普遍,也就是说骨科医生将会发现日益增多的老龄患者发生此类骨折。
- They believe that yerba mate helps: increase longevity, purify and relax the body, lower blood pressure, maintain a healthy appetite, and cure insomnia and fever. 当地人认为马黛茶的功效包括:延长寿命、清洁及放松身体、降血压、维持健康的食欲及治疗失眠和消热。
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- Modern medicine has increased man's life span. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。
- Proper rest and enough sleep contribute to longevity. 适当的休息和足够的睡眠有益于长寿。
- They have increased the price of petrol again. 他们又提高了汽油的价格。
- Her weight has increased to 70 kilos. 她的体重增加到了70公斤。
- Increased sales were reflected in higher profits. 销售量的增加带来了更大的利润。
- The pain increased in intensity. 疼痛越来越剧烈。
- The crowd hissed at the speaker when he said taxes should be increased. 当演讲者谈到应该加税的时候,人群对他发出了嘘声。