- Some planets run at incredible speed. 某些星球以难以置信的速度运行着。
- Sir, the enemy's heading towards you at incredible speed! 先生,敌人的方向以难以想像的速度向着你们!
- Enemy aircraft that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speed! 敌人的飞行器以难以置信的速度飞来!
- His colleagues, with incredible speed, had already assembled their stretcher. 他的同事已经以令人难以置信的速度安装好了担架。
- We are not aware of the travel of light,because it moves at the incredible speed of about 186,000 miles per second. 我们觉察不到光的运行,因为光以秒钟186000英里这个令人难以置信的速度运行。
- The city computer network centre can furnish commercial information to inquirers with incredible speed and accuracy. 全市电脑联网中心查询商业信息资料,有着惊人的速度与精确度。
- We are not aware of the travel of light, because it moves at the incredible speed of about 186,000 miles per second. 我们觉察不到光的运行,因为光以秒钟186000英里这个令人难以置信的速度运行。
- Furthermore, they heal with incredible speed, even to the point of regenerating damaged internal organs. 此外,他们能以令人难以置信的速度自愈,甚至重新再生一个被损坏的器官。
- As an added plus, the magnetic suspension field cushions your ride. So powering the pedals creates incredible speed in no time. 驱动列车也是基于磁性原理,以供电踏板创造了令人难以置信的速度,没有时间。
- They forced out of existence the old dynastic rule, they changed with incredible speed the system of education, with indefatigable zeal they planned and set up a scheme of education. 他们被迫改变了在王朝统治下的生活方式,他们随着教育制度以令人惊奇的速度改变着,他们毫不倦怠的热情设计并建立起教育的蓝图。
- A 5-9 shooting guard (dare you to name anyone else who fits that description) who averaged 17.2 points last season, he creates all the space he needs with his incredible speed and explosiveness. 他只有5此9寸,联盟中还有比他更小的球员吗?上赛季他场均拿下17.;2分。
- Modern fighter planes fly at incredible speeds, and can cross entire continents and oceans in very little time. 现代战斗机飞行速度相当惊人,能在很短的时间内飞越整个大陆与海洋。
- SOFTIMAGE|Face Robot: A complete software solution for easily rigging and animating 3D faces. Face Robot enables studios to create life-like facial animation at incredible speeds. 脸部机器人工具:一个完整的软体解决方案在于更简单的创造出3D的脸孔与动画应用。这套系统所创造出的动画,其生动表情与产生速度都会让您惊艳。
- Several witnesses talked of incredible speeds demonstrated by these crafts,estimated by radar technicians to be more than 10,000 miles an hour.The fastest known speed of a man made aircraft is 3,000 miles an hour. 好几位目击者谈到了他们所看到的空间飞船令人难以置信的飞行速度,一些雷达技术人员估计其时速超过1万英里,而迄今速度最快的人造飞行器时速只有3000英里。
- at incredible speed; the book's plot is simply incredible. 不可思议的速度;这本书的情节完全难以置信。
- Aircraft that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speed 敌人的飞行器以难以置信的速度飞来!远程图片
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。
- The plot of the book is incredible. 这本书的情节叫人难以相信。
- That's all there is to make a speed dial call. 在那里全部要进行快速拨号呼叫。
- The great virtue of air travel is speed. 乘飞机旅行的最大优点是速度快。