- The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman's heart. 侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。
- A rabbit get catch in the blade of the reaper. 一只兔子被卷到收割机的刀刃中去了。
- The blade is chipped in a few places. 刀锋有几个地方缺口。
- Ind the end, all that really matters......is LOVE. 到最后,一切真正重要的......只有爱。
- One of the men cut at her with a razor, the blade nicked the skin. 其中一个人拿着刮胡刀向她猛扑过去; 刀刃割破了她的皮肤。
- The blade of the electric fan is covered with dust. 电扇的叶片上全是灰尘。
- Go N to kill the dragon and get the blade. 从北边的房间出去,到山洞中杀龙,得炎之剑。
- You can see the blade bears the marker's stamp. 您能看到,刀面上有厂家的标记。
- ind the blade 有意识接触对方的剑
- The knife was old,but the blade had a keen edge. 这把刀是旧的,但刀刃锋利。
- Bards can now gain the Blade Master discipline. 吟游诗人现在得到剑术掌握了。
- Yes,the blade is chipped in a few places. 是的,刀锋有几个地方缺口。
- The blade of an oar;the blade of a food processor. 桨叶;食品加工机叶片
- The sharp cutting side of the blade of a knife. 刀片上较锐利的能用来切割的那一边。
- I said that because I have ever seen the blade. 说这话的原因是我见过刀条。
- He kills 20 with his machete and the blade breaks. 如果本文系酷酷英语网专稿。
- Check the blade grind thickness from side to side. 检查刀体每边打磨厚度,刀锋角度每边应一致。
- Hold edged tools with the blade down, for safety. 手持磨刀工具时刀口朝下,以确保安全。
- A thin, sharpened side, as of the blade of a cutting instrument. 利刃一种薄而锋利的侧边,如切割用具的刀锋
- In the face of the crisis, countries ind the international community have taken various measures to address it. 各国和国际社会纷纷采取积极应对措施,对提振信心、缓解危机、防止金融体系崩溃和世界经济深度衰退起到了重要作用。