- The indefinite integral is an antiderivative. 不定积分是反导数。
- New Method of Solving a Special Indefinite Integral. 一类特殊的不定积分新解。
- Since ??represents an indefinite integral, the ambiguity arises from constant of integration. 由于?时硎静欢??分,而积分常数引起了不确定性。
- A generalization of formula of integration by parts is given and formalized arithmetic of indefinite integral has been discussed. 摘要给出了分部积分公式的推广形式,并讨论了分部积分过程的形式化。
- A definite integral is an indefinite integral evaluated over an interval. The result is not affected by the choice for the value of C. 定积分是区间上的不定积分值。结果不受C值选择的影响。
- The article offers two methods to get indefinite integral of the continuous subsection function. 摘要给出求分段连续函数不定积分的两种方法,并通过举例加以分析应用。
- This paper give a series Integration formula of indefinite integral by inverse function method, which use the relationship of a function and its inverse function and the Integration by parts. 摘要由原函数与反函数的关系、分部积分公式以及变量代换得出利用反函数法求不定积分的一系列积分公式。
- In this paper, reciprocation, frequently used in indefinite integral calculation, was applied in definite and broad integral calculation. 将不定积分计算中经常使用的例代换,应用于计算多余定积分与广义积分,在某些情况下,使计算大为简化。
- The integration by second substitution is an important method of calculating indefinite integral,it has a certain application,it usually applies to calculate some integrals of irrational function. 第二换元积分法是求函数不定积分的一种重要方法,具有一定的适用范围,对某些无理函数的积分的求解通常使用该方法。
- An indefinite integral. 一个不定积分
- Definition 2 We shall often use the term indefinite integral in place of antiderivative, that is, the antiderivative of with any constant is called the indefinite integral of (or) in, denoted by. 在区间上,函数的带有任意常数项的原函数称为(或)在区间上的不定积分,记作。
- The Integral Ways of Indefinite Integration 浅谈不定积分的积分方法
- Based on the quality of linear operation about indefinite integral, the article puts forward an indefinite integral principle of making linear combination and reducing power of integrand. 从不定积分的线性运算性质出发,给出了计算不定积分的被积函数线性组合化、降幂的积分原则,并结合实例分析了这一原则在不定积分计算中的指导作用。
- He has rather indefinite views on the question. 他对该问题的看法颇暧昧。
- A brief, indefinite interval of time. 瞬间一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔
- An extremely large, indefinite number. 无数无限大、没限定的数目
- She'll be away for an indefinite period. 她将离开一段时间,何时回来未定。
- He gave me an indefinite answer. 他给我的答复模棱两可。
- He's away for an indefinite period. 他离开一段时间,多久未定。
- A Careful Study and Analysis of The Teaching Method for Indefinite Integration 不定积分教学方法探析