- A person's face is often an index of his mood. 一个人的脸部表情常常反映这个人的情绪。
- The company is bind by its article of association. 公司受公司章程的约束。
- To amend the company's articles of association. 修改公司章程
- The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the country's prosperity. 奢侈商品销售量日增是该国繁荣的标志。
- Articles of association of listed company. (五)上市公司章程。
- The face is the index of the mind. [谚]脸是心灵的镜子。
- Color is commonly an index of ripeness or spoilage. 色泽一般是成熟和败坏的标志。
- Busy factories are an index of prosperity. 忙碌的工厂是繁荣的表徵。
- Gets or sets the index of the displayed record. 获取或设置所显示的记录的索引。
- Gets or sets the tab index of the HotSpot region. 获取或设置HotSpot区域的选项卡索引。
- Gets the base index of each dimension in the array. 获取数组中每个维度的基本索引。
- Gets the index of the loopback interface. 获取环回接口的索引。
- He was accused of associating with known criminals. 他与众人皆知的罪犯们交往而受到谴责。
- Gets the index of the next BLOB in the table. 获取表中下一个BLOB的索引。
- Gets the index of the row for new records. 获取新记录所在行的索引。
- The rememtrance roused a whole train of association. 这句话勾起许多联想。
- Gets the zero-based column index of the cell. 获取单元格的从零开始的列索引。
- Gets the zero-based row index of the cell. 获取单元格的从零开始的行索引。
- There are five types of associations. 有五种关联。
- A logical grouping of associated documents. 相关文献的逻辑分组。