- indexed book book 附有索引的书
- Oversize book Books much larger than normal. 特大书籍比普通书籍大很多的书。
- The index is at the back (of the book). 索引在(书的)末尾。
- A bookcase caused our attention, a few book book are shipshape, have thick have thin, without common spine of a book, cover, it is to use maize paper to pack, headline is printed. 有一个书柜引起了我们的注重,几排书册整整洁齐,有厚有薄,没有普通的书脊、封面,都是用黄色的纸张包装,标题是打印的。
- Known as “book” books of original entry“, journals provide a chronological record of all entity tra actio . 他们现实交易日期、合计数和受交易影响的特别会计帐户。
- Known as “book” books of original entry“, journals provide a chronological record of all entity transactions. 第二步:记录交易日志会计循环的第二步是定期记录交易结果。
- The book will be indexed in the next edition so as to make it more useful. 为了使它更实用,这本书在下一版本中将编有索引。
- All persons mentioned are carefully indexed. 所有提到的人名都仔细作了索引。
- All persons and places mentioned in this book are indexed. 凡本书提及的人名、地名均编入索引。
- Eulogizing Books Books are my beloved teachers.Without them, I would probably have ended up in abje. 读到一首赞美书的英语小文章,很好的,推荐给大家。
- All persons and places mentioned are carefully indexed. 所有提及的人名和地名都被仔细地编入索引中。
- The book is indexed and appendixed. 这本书後有索引和附录。
- The author indexed his own book. 那位作者给自己的书编了索引。
- The reference book is indexed in alphabetic order. 这部工具书是按照音序编制索引的。
- Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。
- A person's face is often an index of his mood. 一个人的脸部表情常常反映这个人的情绪。
- Do you know the price index in the city? 你知道这个城市的物价指数吗?
- The index is arranged in alphabetical order. 这索引是按字母顺序排列的。
- All previous dynasties academician also compiles each kind of books books and records, takes on the reorganization, preserved and the inheritance feudalism culture responsibility directly. 历代翰林还编撰各类书籍典册,直接担当起整理、保存与传承封建文化的责任。