- In file organization, one or more characters used to \{identify\} the record and establish the order of the record within an indexed file. 在文件组织中,用于标识本记录的一个或若干个字符,即关键字,亦叫键标,借此可以确定该记录在某个索引文件中的顺序。
- indexed file organization 索引文件组织
- Index file for diffrent directories. 关于不同地址名录的索引文件。
- RSM database is building the index file. RSM数据库正在建立索引文件。
- RSM database is recovering the index file. RSM数据库正在恢复索引文件。
- A table used to locate records in an indexed sequential data set or an indexed file. 用来查找索引顺序数据集或索引文件中的记录的一种表。
- We can then set the location for the community index file. 我们为社区的index文件设置位置。
- Listing 7 shows the index file for the example data set. 循环之后。清单7显示了得到的索引文件。
- The retrieval of a data record in an indexed file by the primary (or optionally, alternate) key within the data record. 在索引文件中,通过数据记录中的主要关键字或可选关键字进行数据记录的检索的一种方法。
- If batch processing is acceptable, a sequential file organization is probably best. 如果可采用批处理的话,那么一个顺序文件结构可能是最好的了。
- indexed sequential file organization 索引顺序文件组织
- A storage structure of 1 to 32 disk blocks that is used to store and transfer units of data in files with a relative or indexed file organization. Unlike a block, a bucket can contain only entire records. 由1至32磁盘信息块构成的一种存储结构。结合相对或索引文件组织,用于文件中数据单元的存储和传送。与信息块不同的是,存储桶只能包含整记录。
- A unit of data appended to every VFC ( variable -with-fixed-control) or variable - length record, regardless of file organization. 附加在每个具有固定控制可变长度(VFC)或可变长度的记录上的一个数据单元,它与文档的结构无关。
- The process of copying the data in an indexed file to another indexed file in a manner that rear ranges the data for more optimum processing and free space distribution. 为了优化处理和优化自由(未用的存储)空间的公布,将一个索引文件上的数据重新安排后复制到另一个索引文件的处理过程。
- In an indexed file, the lowest level index block. It contains the relative block numbers ( RBNs ) and high keys of several data blocks. 索引文件中最低一级的索引块,其内容包括相对块号(RBN)和几个数据块的高一级的关键字。
- This directive specifies the size in bytes of the in-memory cache associated with each open index file. 本指令指定了与每个打开的索引文件相关联的内存缓存的字节数。
- You do not have to wait for LongHorn to get your files organized... 你不须要等待Longhorn的得到您的档案有组织的...
- To finish, I need to add an index file that points to all the output test results. 最后还需要增加一个索引文件指向输出的所有测试结果。
- Instead, Windows Desktop Search will index the content of your computer and store the index file on your computer. Windows Desktop Search会将电脑上的内容编制成索引,并将索引档储存在电脑上。
- Use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client to upload the site folder and index file to the location of your choice. 使用文件传输协议(FTP)客户端将站点文件夹和索引文件上传到所选的位置。