- Xu 29A,developed from the cross and backcross of V20A//(Digu B/Jin 23B) F3 by the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center,is a new early-season indica CMS line in rice. 旭29A是湖南杂交水稻研究中心用地谷B作母本与金23B杂交,F3代选优良株系与V20A测交并经多代回交转育而成的早籼稻不育系,2000年3月通过湖南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。
- He 50A is a new WA-type early cropping indica CMS line in rice,which is developed by crossing Jin 23A to a selected F4 plant of Zhong 9B//161-5B/Jin 23B through successive selection and backcrossing. 贺50A是以金23A为母本,中9B//161-5B/金23B的F4代单株为父本,经多代择优回交与选择育成的早籼型三系不育系。
- Jiufeng A is a new WA-type early cropping indica CMS line in rice, which is developed by crossing Jin 23A to a selected F4 plant of 688 B/Fuyi B through successive selection arid backcrossing. 摘要以金23A为母本,688B/福伊B的F4代单株为父本测交,经多代择优回交,育成早熟籼型三系不育系九丰A。
- He 50A is a new WA-type early cropping indica CMS line in rice, which is developed by crossing Jin 23A to a selected F4 plant of Zhong 9B//161-5B/Jin 23B through successive selection and backcrossing. 摘要贺50A是以金23A为母本,中9B//161-5B/金23B的F4代单株为父本,经多代择优回交与选择育成的早籼型三系不育系。
- Breeding of WA Type Indica CMS Line Qianjiang 1 A 野败籼型三系不育系钱江1号A的选育
- Breeding of Fine Quality Indica CMS Line 95A 优质籼稻不育系95A的选育
- Breeding of Fine Quality Indica CMS Line Mian 2 A 籼型优质不育系绵2A的选育
- Breeding of Fine Quality Indica CMS Line Wujin 2A 籼型优质不育系武金2A的选育
- Breeding of Super Large Panicle Indica CMS Line Gui A in Rice 特大穗优质籼稻不育系桂A的选育
- Characteristics and Development of the TRB Indica CMS Line of Rice 水稻TRB型胞质雄性不育系的产生和特性
- Breeding and Utilization of Early-maturing Indica CMS Line Zao A 早熟三系籼型不育系早A的选育与利用
- Breeding of Fine Grain Quality Indica CMS Line Q1A in Rice 优质籼型不育系Q1A的选育
- Breeding of Fine Quality Indica CMS Line D702A and Its Application 优质籼型不育系D702A的选育与应用
- Breeding of Large-panicle Early Indica CMS Line Zixing05A 大穗型早籼不育系紫兴05A的选育
- Breeding of the Large Panicle and Good Quality Indica CMS Line Zhe 91 A 大穗型籼稻三系不育系浙91A的选育
- Breeding and Application of Large-panicle Indica CMS Line "Jingfu 1A" 大穗型籼稻不育系“京福1A”的选育与利用
- Breeding and Application of the Indica CMS Line 29A and Its Hybrid 29 You 559 籼型三系不育系29A及其组合29优559的选育与应用
- Breeding and Utilization of Fine Quality Indica CMS Line 803A in Rice 优质早籼不育系803A的选育与利用
- Breeding and Utilization of Indica CMS Line CA of a New Cytoplasmic Type 籼型新质源三系不育系CA的选育与应用
- Breeding and Utilization of Indica CMS Line M98A with High Outcrossing Rate 高异交率籼型三系不育系M98A的选育与利用