- According to the power system coherency and the swing curves of the disturbed generators,apply the data mining and the principle of the correlation,define the indicator for coherence. 文章在电力系统同调性概念的基础上,通过数字仿真获取发电机的时间响应曲线,定义了基于相关性原理的发电机同调指标。
- Indicator for electrical transmission tachometer. 标准英文名: Aircraft equipment.
- Bed rest is usually the indication for flu cases. 通常在流感病例中,卧床休息是必要的
- indicator for coherence 相关度指标
- He talks about economic growth as a great indicator for freedom, I agree with him. 他论及经济增长是自由的一个有力的显示器,我同意。
- Chapter 2: Mechanical Method And Trend Indicator For Trading In Grains. 第2章:谷物交易的方法和趋势指导。
- Has a row header that contains a selection indicator for the current row. 拥有行标头,其中包含当前行的选中指示符。
- As, Sb, Mo, W, Bi and Te etc. may act as indicator for industrial orebody. As、Sb、Mo、W、Bi、Te等元素可作为工业矿体之标志性元素。
- MAU is not a good indicator for the prediction and diagnosis of incipient DN. MAU并不是一个很好的预测和诊断早期糖尿病肾病的指标。
- Helicity is a good indicator for variations of wind field with altitude. 螺旋度可以作为观测雷达站上空风场随高度变化的一个敏感因子;
- Single cover retaining screw mounted on top of the indicator for easy access. 在流量指示器上安装一个盖子固定螺丝,便以打开进入。
- Indicated for drop foot and heel pain. 适合足下垂和中风人士使用。
- Quantum Uncertainties for Coherent and Squeezed States. 相干态及压缩态的量子不确定性。
- DO NOT USE these indicators for this application. 请不要把仪器使用在这些应用上.
- Electroencephalogram is indicated for seizure activity only. 脑电图仅用于癫痫发作情况检查。
- Purposes:Used to make level of concrete base for cohering carbon fiber sheets. 用于修补找平粘贴碳纤维片材、芳伦纤维片材及玻纤维片材的混凝土基层。
- Especially indicated for glazes which contain lead and boron. 尤其适用于含铅、含硼的釉药。
- He talks about economic growth as a great indicator for freedom,I agree with him. 他论及经济增长是自由的一个有力的显示器,我同意。
- An appropriate cost function is constructed which avoids the use of the logarithm likelihood function that is lack of robust to the noise correlation, moreover, our method have many advantages such as, low complexity, suitable for coherence signals, etc. 构造适当的代价函数,避免了对数似然函数的使用,该方法对色噪声协方差矩阵特征值分散具有稳健性,同时具有较低的计算复杂度和适用于相关甚至相干源等优点。
- Local optimum is not even an indication for the global optima. 局部利益与整体的利益并不一致。