- Indiscriminate violence; the indiscriminate use of pesticides. 大规模的暴力事件;杀虫剂的广泛使用
- Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics. 医生们被指责滥用抗生素。
- And the infrequent and indiscriminate use of the Chinese language also forms a vicious circle. 少用与乱用互为因果,循环相生。
- However, indiscriminate use of special characters in an object name may make SQL statements and scripts difficult to read and maintain. 但是,不加选择地在对象名称中使用特殊字符会使SQL语句和脚本难以阅读和维护。
- To address the indiscriminate use of plastic shopping bags, the environmental levy scheme on plastic shopping bags will commence on 7 July 2009. 为了遏止滥用塑胶购物袋的情况,塑胶购物袋环保徵费计划将在2009年7月7日起实施。
- To address the indiscriminate use of plastic shopping bags, the environmental levy scheme on plastic shopping bags has commenced since 7 July 2009. 为了遏止滥用塑胶购物袋的情况,塑胶购物袋环保徵费计划已于2009年7月7日起实施。
- Conclusion:Hepatic arterial embolization therapy of hepatic haemangioma may be resulted into severe biliary damage and its indiscriminate use should be prohibited. 并呼吁对无症状的肝血管瘤应严格选择治疗适应证。
- "I mean," I said, "that you're about to suffer a lawsuit for holding me incommunicado, and another one for malpractice, for your indiscriminate use of narcotics. 我说:我的意思是,你会因为囚禁我而吃官司,而另一个理由是玩忽职守,因为不加选择地使用氯乙烷。
- Mr Deshmukh said the ban had been prompted by the indiscriminate use of plastic bags, which blocked sewage and drainage systems during record monsoon rains. 戴希穆说,这个禁令主要是基于大众滥用塑胶袋,在雨季的豪雨来袭时,这些塑胶袋又会阻塞排水系统。
- The PLA has always exercised strict control over the use of APLs and prohibited the indiscriminate use and laying of such landmines while actively studying the possible alternatives to APLs. 中国军队一向严格控制杀伤人员地雷的使用,禁止滥布滥用,同时还对杀伤人员地雷替代办法进行研究。
- The Chinese government is of the view that the clearance of APLs is part and parcel of the overall efforts in eliminating the threat to innocent civilians resulting from the indiscriminate use of such landmines. 中国政府认为,扫除已部署的杀伤人员地雷是解决杀伤人员地雷威胁平民安全问题的一个重要组成部分。
- Resources that the land market rectification results or tentative and phasic and encirclements within them, the indiscriminate use of farmland issue has not been fundamentally resolved. 国土资源部指出,土地市场治理整顿的成果还是初步的、阶段性的,圈占土地、乱占滥用耕地的问题尚未根本解决。
- You should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner before using Chinese medicines for prevention and treatment of colds, and refrain from indiscriminate use of such drugs. 市民使用中药预防或者治疗感冒,都须先请教中医师,不应胡乱服用。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Indiscriminant use of antibiotics for unsubstantiated infections should not be encouraged. 试验性的抗生素应用在没有客观证据的感染中是不被支持的。
- He was indiscriminate in his choice of friends. 他择友不慎重。
- Indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. 杂交的,男女乱交的在选择性伴侣时不加区分的
- A toll is charged for the use of the expressway. 在那条高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- The terrorists indiscriminate murder of ordinary people. 恐怖主义者不分青红皂白地杀害普通百姓。