- Utility is a measure of expression of an individual consumer's tastes and preferences. 效用是表达个人消费者兴趣和偏好的量度。
- The biggest individual consumer of memory in Exchange 2003 is the Exchange store process (Store. Exe). 在Exchange 2003中;占用内存最大的单个项目是Exchange存储进程(Store.;exe)。
- SME loans, bills discounting, finance lease guarantee; Loan guarantees for the individual consumer; Foreign investment. 对中小企业贷款、票据贴现、融资租赁的担保;对个人消费贷款担保;对外投资。
- SME loans, lease financing guarantees for the individual consumer loan guarantees; Foreign investment. 对中小企业贷款、融资租赁的担保,对个人消费贷款担保;对外投资。
- The biggest individual consumer of memory in Exchange Server 2003 is the Store. Exe process, which manages mailboxes and public information storage. Exchange Server 2003中消耗内存最多的单个进程是Store.;exe;它用于管理邮箱和公共信息存储。
- Individual switched power supply for each motor/heater on the skid from the electrical switchgear at terminal box of individual consumer. 来自各用电设备接线盒处的电气开关装置/设备、供滑轨上每台电机/加热器的独立开关电源。
- Individual consumer also tells a reporter, price change is not big, because this rises in price smally,won't shake the desire that they buy real wood floor and confidence. 个别消费者也告诉记者,价格变化不大,不会因为这小的涨价动摇他们购买实木地板的欲望和信心。
- At present domestic credit card overdraws amount occupies scale of individual consumer credit to had been achieved 10% , rise compared to the same period 2.6% percent. 目前国内信用卡透支总额占个人消费信贷比例已经达到10%25,同比上升2.;6%25个百分点。
- Meanwhile, domestic terminal is wholesale shopkeeper even individual consumer cannot find quality however the supplier with stabler than tall, supply of goods price of good, sex. 与此同时,国内终端批发零售商甚至个人消费者却无法找到质量好、性价比高、货源稳定的供应商。
- What can individual consumers do to minimize risks from contaminants? 个体消费者如何尽可能减少污染物的摄入风险?
- Large consumer durables refer to Renminbi loans granted to individual consumers to facilitate purchases of expensive consumer endurables. 大额耐用消费品贷款是指向消费者个人发放用于购买大额耐用消费品的人民币贷款。
- Due to preference of merchandises novel and fantastic, large markets exist in lease industry in individual consumable. 摘要随着人们求新求异新潮流的出现,给个人消费品租赁行业带来了巨大的商机。
- Direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationship. 与经过认真界定的目标顾客个人进行直接联系,从而获取直接回应,建立持久的顾客关系。
- Sales of other consumer goods also rose. 其他消费品的销售量也增长了。
- The burgeoning CRM marketplace covers a gamut of tools,providing everything from the capability to track the buying patterns of individual consumers to order-fulfillment tools. 正在腾飞的CRM市场包含了全部工具,提供了从跟踪消费者个人购买模式的功能到完成订单的工具等所有一切。
- Prices for consumer goods are going up. 消费品价格在上涨。
- Whether the nation's huge business machine sputters or steams ahead depends on millions of individual consumers, the real "bosses" of the American economy. 这个国家巨大的商业机器是噼啪作响要熄火还是奋力前行,这就要看数以百万计的个体消费者,即美国经济的真正“老板”了。
- The burgeoning CRM marketplace covers a gamut of tools, providing everything from the capability to track the buying patterns of individual consumers to order-fulfillment tools. 正在腾飞的CRM市场包含了全部工具,提供了从跟踪消费者个人购买模式的功能到完成订单的工具等所有一切。
- Whether the nation’s huge business machine sputters or steams ahead depends on millions of individual consumers, the real "bosses" of the American economy. 这个国家巨大的商业机器是噼啪作响要熄火还是奋力前行,这就要看数以百万计的个体消费者,即美国经济的真正“老板”了。