- Retail Investor Individual investors who buy and sell securities for their personal account, and not for another company or organization. 零售投资者为自己买卖证券的个人投资者,而并非为任何公司或机构进行投资。
- Do you think individual investors can really beat the pros? 你认为个人投资者真的能胜过专业人员吗?
- In overpaying, individual investors have good company. 支付过高费用的个人投资者还不在少数。
- Shareholders Individual investors who own part of a limited company. 股东:拥有有限公司份额的个人投资者。
- Individual investors must work through a broker, who buys or sells with a bond dealer. 个别的投资者必须透过券商担任中间人才能买卖债券。
- No organized secondary bond market, as little demand among individual investors. 并没有次级债券交易的专门机构,因为个别投资者的需求很小。
- A mutual fund (called 'unit trust' in Asia) is an investment vehicle that pools money from many individual investors. 互惠基金(以下简称'单位信托'是在亚洲)是一个投资渠道,集中资金,由许多个人投资者。
- Continuously rising gold prices have sparked a buying spree among individual investors throughout China this year. 持续上升的黄金价格引发了今年中国各地个人投资者的购买热。
- And many individual investors, schooled in a history of state economic intervention, obviously believe she is right. 习惯了国家经济干预的许多散户投资者,显然认为她说得对。
- After closing, celebration from key stockers must have taken on in the media.But what about small individual investors? 除了早盘开盘后能够明智选择获利了结,庆幸自己的胜利外,能有多少人参与狂欢呢?
- CGS started selling investment-oriented gold bars to individual investors in 2003. CGS公司从2003年开始向个人投资者销售以投资为导向的金条。
- Individual investors are advised to stay away from the market until the picture becomes clearer, he said. 他说:个人投资者都被建议远离市场直到股票市场,直到前景更清晰。
- In the public eye "CBD Trust and Investment Plan" and finally individual investors pursued "achieve Buddhahood. 备受瞩目的“CBD信托投资计划”终于在个人投资者的追捧中“修成正果”。
- That made individual investors particularly susceptible to pitches from energy promoters. 个人投资者因此更容易落入能源项目推销者的圈套。
- Meanwhile, the South Korean individual investors through the purchase fund to indirectly holds shares in China. 同时,韩国个人投资者通过购买基金的方式间接持有中国股票。
- Individual investors need to exercise their rights as shareholders by voting their proxies to make corporations more democratic and accountable. 个人投资者需要通过投票选举他们的代理人来实践他们作为股东的权利,以使公司变得更加民主和负有责任。
- Rodger Riney is the president and chief executive officer of Scottrade, Inc., which he founded in 1980 as a discount brokerage firm serving individual investors. 罗杰?润礼于1980年创办史考特证券公司,目前担任史考特证券的公司总裁兼首席执行长,史考特证券是一家折扣经纪证券商,主要服务个人投资者。
- In developing these markets, it is crucial to have the participation of institutional and individual investors from the Mainland. 发展这些市场的关键是要有内地机构与投资者参与。
- Offering the bonds in different maturities and yields provides flexibility to meet the different needs of individual investors. 发售不同年期及收益率的债券能提供灵活性,以迎合投资者的不同需要。
- China's individual investors have few options. So is standing room only inside this Shanghai brokerage house where they lined up to buy and sell. 中国的个人投资者除了投资本地股票市场外几乎没什麽选择。以至于上海证券行里人满为患。在那里,人们排着队买卖股票。