- individual numbers per clump 丛立竹数
- The results showed that stalk diameter and brix were mainly controlled by additive gene effects, while the inheritance of clump weight and the millable stalk number per clump were controlled by both additive and non-additive genes. 结果表明 :茎径和锤度的遗传主要受加性基因效应控制 ,而丛重和丛有效茎数的遗传是基因加性和非加性效应共同作用的结果。
- initial culm number per clump 丛初植立竹数
- culm number per clump 丛立竹数
- The plant height,stem diameter,millable cane per clump,the number of clump and the brix of each sampled cane were measured at the harvest time. 取样的每个植株;收获前分别测定株高、茎粗、有效茎数、丛重和锤度.
- No. We assign only one RN number per company. 不可以。一家公司只可以有一个RN代码。
- And the subclones derived from ROC10 had the character displays with thinner stalk diameter, higher plant height, lower brix value and no significant changable number of stalk per clump when compared with donor variety. 新台糖10号组培亚无性系的茎变细;茎数/丛无明显变化;株高增加;锤度比对照有所下降.
- They vary widely in size, shape, number per cell, and even color. 它们的大小,形状,每个细胞的数目甚至颜色变化很大。
- The results showed that the subclones derived from Xianyou 79-83 possessed thinner stalk diameter, shorter plant height, more number of stalk per clump and approximate brix in comparison with donor variety. 仙游79-83组培亚无性系的性状平均表现为茎变细;茎数/丛增加;株高减少;锤度与供体的无显著差异.
- Acarid of 134 species, individual number of which amounts to 4396, have been collected. 按个体数多寡,甲螨类>革螨类>辐螨类>粉螨类。
- At Apliu Street, the pedestrian volume exceeds 5,500 numbers per hour at peak. 在鸭寮街,繁忙时间每小时的行人流量达5,500人次。
- You can select numbers that are not all together in a row or a column by pressing CTRL and then selecting each individual number. 通过按下 ctrl 并选择每个单独的数字,可以选中在某一行或某一列内分散的数字。
- In this row, you bet on which individual number will show up after the dice are rolled. 在这一排,您是押注骰子旋转之后将显示哪一个数字。
- Some wines are only produced in the best of vintages, have limited editions say 500 cases and may have individual numbers to add to the exclusiveness. 一些葡萄酒只用最好葡萄年期的葡萄酿造,并出限制版,如500箱,因为要增加独占度,可能也会单独增加一些数量。
- The individual number of the arthropod communities in the low planted area was higher than in the other areas. 群落个体数稀植区在大部分时间内均高于其它2区。
- The individual numbers of Diptera and Orthoptera are more than other orders, but the species of Diptera and Hymenoptera are dominant. 在12297号标本中,双翅目、直翅目个体数量较多,而双翅目和膜翅目的物种数较多。
- The direct selection goal of the population is that has more row numbers per ear and longer ear and good fecundity. 陕综5号群体的主要选择目标应是:穗行多,果穗长,结实性好。
- In the Yueqing Bay, individual number of water birds tended to decrease year by year, except for those in bay-head, which increased in 2003 over 1999. 乐清湾冬季水鸟的物种数呈逐年下降趋势,但年间差异均不显著。
- In the paper, the combination among 1000-grain weight, grain numbers per spike and multispikelet have been discussed. 其次,株高与蛋白质含量以及抽穗期与小穗数的正相关关系对选育多小穗和高蛋白质含量有一定的不利影响。
- When telephones were new, having an individual number to list in a directory was valuable to the lister and to all other telephone users. 电话刚出现的时候,把某个电话号码列在号码簿里对编制者和所有电话用户都是有价值的。