- Respect for individual preferences does allow bequests to be taxed. 尊重个人偏好的原则允许征收遗产税。
- Consensus did not emerge from a compromise between individual preferences. 意见一致并不是个人不同爱好的折衷产物。
- One form of this libertarian view even treats the law as a product of contending individual preferences. 这种自由主义观点的某一种甚至把法律看作是个人偏好之间互相竞争的结果。
- Pareto judgments are expressed in terms of orderings of individual preferences rather than in terms of total utility. 帕累托判断是依据个人偏好的需求而做出的,而不是依总效用做出。
- It is sometimes argued that economics simply shows how individual preferences can be combined to maximize the welfare of society. 有时人们主张,经济学只是简单地表明了怎样把个人的喜爱结合起来找出社会福利的最高值。
- You'll think it was quaint that people once had to read the same newspaper, that it wasn't customized for individual preferences. 你将会认为它是被有看相同的报纸古雅的那个人们一次,它不为个别的偏爱被根据客户需要修改。
- Our environment moulds our individual preferences but there is increasing evidence that our genes play an important part," he said. 虽然环境塑造了我们个人的喜好,但是越来越多的证据显示人体内的基因在决定个人喜好时同样起了重要的的作用。"
- Individual Preferences(The Enneagram correlated with the Jung and Myers-Briggs MBTI measures):Introvert,Quiet,Self-contained,Thinking. 性格倾向:内向、被动、自我、爱思考。
- Respecting individual preferences, no matter how idiosyncratic, is one important measure of a free society, even when those tastes relate to bequests and inheritances. 无论多么特殊,尊重个人偏好在自由社会都是一项重要措施,即使那些口味与遗赠和遗产有关。
- With the seats being adjustable to many different positions, both legroom and the seat angle may be set to the individual preferences of the passengers. 随着调整的席位很多不同的立场,同时腿部空间和座椅角度可能被设置为乘客的个人喜好。
- Factor in individual preferences and favorite foods, and an eating plan is a highly individualize thing. 每个人的表现、最适合的食物以及饮食计划中的要素都是因人而异的。
- As the Nobel Prize-winner Kenneth Arrow showed in his book, Social Choice and Individual Values, no system of combining individual preferences can lead to a rational decision method. 正如诺贝尔奖金获得者肯尼思阿罗在他的著作《社会选择和个人价值》一书中所说的那样,没有一种体制能把各自的爱好结合起来并由此制定一个明智的决议方法。
- That is, unless some restrictions are placed on which individual preferences are allowed into consideration, it can be mathematically proved that no method of combining those individual preferences can satisfy the customary standards of rationality. 也就是说,除非对某些允许考虑的个人爱好施加一些限制,才能从数理上证明,没有一种方法能把各自的爱好结合在一起,以此达到合理性的惯常标准。
- It is, however, very valuable in forming casual partnerships--if both partners know the system, they need discuss only those areas in which individual preferences do not conform to the BWS treatment. 但是,对于那些偶尔在一起打牌的搭档还是很有价值的,毕竟这是个大家都知道的体系,一对搭档只需要讨论一些在本体系中未被定义的部分就可以了。
- Social choice theorists demonstrate that preferences of collectives aggregated from individuals' preferences are not necessarily rational. 从社会选择理论的观点来看,聚合一群理性个人的偏好所产生的集体偏好不必然是理性的。
- Do you prefer to have rice or buns? 你愿意吃饭还是吃馒头。
- The optimum position and nature of the grip depends on the circumstances and individual preference, but must be secure. 在安全的前提下,可依据实际情况和个人喜爱采用最佳姿势和抓牢方式。
- I can give you a round neckline if you prefer. 如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口。
- I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly one. 我喜欢沙滩,不喜欢遍布小圆石的海滩。
- To address the issue, we need to have appropriate models for user identification and authentication to cater for the individual preference of citizens. 要解决这个问题,我们需要因应不同市民的个别意愿,在用户辨识和认证方面为他们制定合适的模式。