- The application of DM to the system of teaching affairs management realizes the cultivation of individualized talents, provides information for policymakers and promotes the overall development of teaching reform. 把dm应用到教务管理系统中实现个性化人才培养,向决策者提供信息支持,有利于推动学校教学改革和建设的全面发展。
- St. Christopher School is a caring and creative community which encourages individual talents and makes children confident of their personal worth. 圣·克里斯托弗学校是一所鼓励发挥个人才干并培养学生对实现个人价值满怀信心、对学生关怀备至并富有创新精神的学校。
- No matter that there are exceptional individual talents at the club, the ethos this season is based firmly on team values. 不论在俱乐部中有一些非常有天分的单个球员,在这个赛季里俱乐部的精神是基于团队价值。
- In 1920, Eliot published a volume of essays entitled The Sacred Wood, which included the famous piece on "Tradition and the Individual Talent". 艾略特在1920年出版了一部名叫《圣林》的散文集,那篇有名的《传统与个人才能》就刊在这本集子里。
- To conduct various learning Activities, in order to inspire the individual talent and the educational practices of Diverse intellects. 四、办理各项学艺活动,激发个人潜能,落实多元智慧理念。
- In his famous essay, "Tradition and individual Talent," Eliot put great emphasis on the importance of tradition both in creative writing and in criticism. 在著名散文“传统与个人天才”中,他强调传统对创作与评论两方面的重要作用。
- Although everyone differs in family background and individual talent, equity still exists through fair opportunity offered in the process of social mobility. 每个人的背景和天赋都不同,一个公平的社会可以给每个人平等的机会。
- We believe that individual talent can be stretched and presented with receiving a good quality learning opportunity, which brings a positive momentum to continuous development of the society. 我们深信只有透过良好的学习机会,个人潜能才可展现及发挥,对个人、团队、企业,以至社会才能产生正面的动力。
- This essay examines the trajectory of Western avant-garde movements in the 20th century, especially the relationship of group formation, typical of these avant-gardes, to the individual talent. 摘要本文主要探讨西20世纪先锋派运动的轨迹,特别考察了一些典型的先锋派群体的形成与个人才华之间的关系。
- This country is being drained of its best talents. 这个国家最优秀的人才在不断外流。
- Herold can not match him in artistic talent. 就艺术才华而言,海洛德不能同他相比。
- She has a healthy respect for her rival's talents. 她有雅量,能钦佩对手的才能。
- Her talents are quite extraordinary. 她才华出众。
- They are constellation of Hollywood talent. 他们是好莱坞的一群才俊。
- More and more of our savings are institutionalized rather than individualized. 我们的储蓄越来越多地由个人手里转入各种组织的控制中。
- He early showed a talent for music. 他早年即展露出音乐的才能。
- I have no talent for acquiring foreign languages. 我没有学习外国语言的才能。
- He has great talent, but he has lost his faith. 他很有天赋,但是他已经丧失了信心。
- I liked Mary's singing in the talent show. 我喜欢玛丽在有奖竞赛中的演唱。
- He is endowed with literary talent. 他有文学天分。