- indoors decoration pollution 室内装修污染
- Indoor Decoration project of Shantou Book Center. 汕头购书中心内部装饰工程。
- Indoor decoration hanged on the wall. 室内壁挂作为装饰品使用等。
- Indoor Decoration Project of Chao Drama Art Center in Shantou City. 汕头市潮剧艺术中心室内装饰工程。
- Indoor Decoration Project of Yongtai Building in Guiyang. 贵阳永泰大厦室内装饰工程。
- Shanghai Mansha Indoor Decoration Material Co., Ltd. 上海曼莎室内装饰材料有限公司。
- He will be entrusted to a new residential institution specializing in decoration pollution detection testing and found that formaldehyde standard, indoor poisonous gas utilization. 他将新住宅交给一家专事室内装修污染检测机构检测,结果发现甲醛超标、室内有毒有害气体超标。
- Abstract: Base on analyzing the main source of formaldehyde pollution in indoor decoration and the infraction to people health, this paper brings forward the countermeasure and father technology. 摘 要: 本文通过对室内装修空气中甲醛污染物的主要来源及对人体健康造成侵害的分析,提出了控制甲醛污染物的具体方法及治理技术。
- For children to stay away from leukemia, the decoration pollution prevent children! Maybe you are living in dangerous house .. 让儿童远离白血病;防止儿童房装修污染!你或许正生活在危险的房子里.
- Lee Hey, I only know that summer renovation to antipollution, Unexpectedly cooler, decoration pollution also can not be ignored. 李大爷说,只知道夏天装修要防污染,没想到天凉了,装修污染也同样不能忽视。
- Indoor decoration project the Post Telecommunication key Center Building in Huizhou city. 惠州邮电局电信中心大楼内部装饰工程。
- In Xiannongtan "giving the world", held from mid-July this year, indoor decoration open tender. 位于先农坛的“耕天下”从今年7月中旬起举行室内装修设计的公开招标。
- And to the construction of residential indoor decoration, decoration as a city formalization symptoms. 而以住宅的建筑室内外装修、装饰作为城市的形式化表征。
- Chemical pollution due to indoor decoration 室内装修中危险化学物的污染问题
- We are specialized in design and carving for urban scenic,indoor decoration,portrait statue and GRC natural scenic topics. 上海十力雕塑有限公司专业设计制作城市景观雕塑、室内装饰雕塑、人物肖像雕塑、GRC山水艺术造景。
- Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) is often used in many aspects such as indoor decoration, furniture manufacture and building. 中密度纤维板应用于室内装饰、家具制造和建筑等众多方面,和人们的生活密切相关。
- Our company main products have the following four main categories: decoration pollution control series, automotive deodorant series, opto-electronics Air Purifier Series, a Green Home Series. 本公司主要产品主要有以下四大分类:装修污染治理系列、车用除味剂系列、光电空气净化机系列、绿色家居系列。
- Conclusion The risk factors associated with PCOS are heredity, menstrual dysfunction, insomnia, obstructie sleep apnea, occupation, indoor decoration. 结论家族遗传史、初潮月经紊乱、失眠、打鼾、职业、室内装潢史是多囊卵巢综合征的高危因素。
- Experts believe that the Wye surnamed Wang "black births," with its indoor decoration materials benzene is a serious incidents are directly related. 专家认为,王某所怀“黑胎”与其室内装修材料中苯系物严重超标有直接关系。
- Indoor decoration in the pursuit of luxury, the walls was covered with sheet metal, two three-tier ceiling Xiangshang stereo ceiling. This renovation is undesirable. 五、在居室装修中为了追求豪华,在四壁上贴满板材,吊顶镶上两三层立体吊顶,这种装修做法不可取。