- He troubleshoots for a large industrial firm. 他受雇为一家大工业公司检修故障。
- An industrial firm issues bond to collect money and will pay back with interest. 工厂发行债券集资并偿还利息。
- Combined industrial and domestic waste water treatment is beneficial to both industrial firms and the municipalities. 工业和生活污水联合处理既利于工厂,又利于城市。
- But as the changes in the market both in our country and in the world, the perspectives of the labor-intensive OEM industrial firms seems dim. 但是,随着世界和我国经济环境的变化,中国目前以劳动密集型OEM为主的加工贸易前景堪忧。
- It is significant for industrial firms to lower cost, increase efficiency and reinforce potence of competition and thus the applying possibilities appear unlimited. 这对于我国工业企业降低成本、提高生产效率、增强竞争力,具有重要的理论意义和广阔的应用前景。
- For the past five years, Chinese industrial firms have enjoyed record profit margins as revenue growth has outpaced the increase in wages and raw-material costs. 过去五年中,中国工业企业享受了创纪录的边际利润,因为收益增长超过了工资和原材料成本增长。
- In this paper approaching on the content and its coordinative control of publicity of environmental per formance rating for industrial firms, and taking Indonesian tria... 以世界银行在印度尼西亚试行的信息公开化制度为例,探讨了企业环境行为信息公开化的内容及其对污染控制的调控作用。
- All “standardised” OTC derivatives would be cleared and traded on an exchange, and even large industrial firms would incur stricter margining and capital charges on their trades. 所有“标准化”的场外衍生品都将被清算,然后在交易所进行交易。而且那些大型工业企业在交易时,利差和资本支出都会受到更加严格的监管。
- the strategy of greening of industrial firms 工业绿色化战略
- Jinshi Wing industry firm Shanghai Branch Jiaming military lawyers that the charges alone, the developer is obviously illegal. 金世永业律师事务所上海分所贾明军律师认为,单就收费问题,该开发商的做法显然是违规的。
- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。
- Study on Industry Firms Entry and Exit by Orr Model 中国工业企业进入与退出Orr模型的实证分析
- This country ranks last in industrial output. 这个国家的工业生产排名最後。
- Tecent had held number one position in a lot of industry firmly ground, begin forestall gradually for example the domain such as IM, recreational game. 腾讯已经在许多行业牢牢地占据了霸主地位,并逐渐开始垄断了例如IM、休闲游戏等领域。
- The man was charged with industrial espionage. 此人被控告从事工业间谍活动。
- Many rivers are defiled by industrial waste. 许多河流被工业废水污染了。
- Steel and gasoline are industrial products. 钢和汽油是工业产品。
- The stockbroker has placed the money in industrial stock. 证券经纪人已用那笔钱购入了工业股票。
- A new city has grown up in this industrial district. 在这个工业地区兴起一座新城市。
- The city has already grown into an industrial centre. 这座城市已经发展成一个工业中心。