- But it took the full military and industrial power of the United States to face down the might of Iraq. 可是需要美国全部军事及工业力量才能令伊拉克的势力屈服。
- One of them was the emergence of the United States during this period as the dominant industrial power in the world. 有一点是美国在此期间涌现为世界上占支配地位的工业国。
- The sample room is equipped with industrial power machines: there are lock stitch, overlock, zigzag machines, etc. 样品间里配备的工业用缝纫机,它们是锁式线迹缝纫机、包缝机(拷边机)、万能机等。
- Industrial power, the energy that turns machines, is being developed, at last, for human use. 工业的动力,既转动机器的能力,终于被用来为人类服务。
- Industrial power, the energy that turns machines, is being developped, at last, for human use. 工业的动力,既转动机器的能力,终于被用来为人类服务。
- Soldier, banker, and political scientist, he set in motion an agrarian nation's transformation into an industrial power. 救死扶伤,银行家和政治科学家,他启动农业国转变为一个工业强国。
- Lake cruises for tourists, the lower reaches of the third grade, fourth grade industrial power station for tourists to travel. 湖面可供游客乘船游览,下游的第三级、第四级电站可供游客进行工业旅游。
- Verification test under industrial power supply shows that the design of the real-time simulator is correct and rational. 在工频电网下所做的验证试验表明,该实时仿真器设计是正确、合理的。
- Referring to the 88s, Fussell wrote, “The allies had nothing as good, despite one of them designating itself The World's Greatest Industrial Power. 提到88口径炮,福塞尔写道:“同盟国不具与之相当者,尽管同盟诸国之某国认为自己拥有世界最强工业力。”
- Honeywell’s control systems support reliable and efficient operation of electric utilities, co-generation, clean power and industrial power plants. 霍尼韦尔控制系统支持可靠和有效的运作电力、热电联产、清洁能源和工业发电厂。
- America became the world's mightiest industrial power; saved the world from tyranny in two world wars and a long cold war; and time and again, reached out across the globe to millions who, like us, longed for the blessings of liberty. 美国变成了世界上最强大的工业国家,在两次世界大战和旷日持久的冷战中使世界免于暴虐统治,并且一而再,再而三地向世界各地同我们一样向往自由的数以百万计的人民伸出救援之手。
- That is, we want it to become one of the few major industrial powers in the world, but not to surpass all the other countries. 就是成为世界上主要的几个工业强国之一,而不是赶过所有国家。
- That is,we want it to become one of the few major industrial powers in the world,but not to surpass all the other countries. 就是成为世界上主要的几个工业强国之一,而不是赶过所有国家。
- OPS provides not only standard industry power supplies, but also special power supplies according to actual requests from customers. 公司不仅供应标准工业电源,还能根据用户实际需求提供配套电源。
- Still, senior ADB economist Jong-Wha Lee warns a sustainable economic recovery still depends on the fate of major industrial powers. 然而,亚洲开发银行高级经济师李钟和警告说,持久性的经济复苏仍依赖于主要工业大国。
- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。
- This country ranks last in industrial output. 这个国家的工业生产排名最後。
- Dashang Group Makita Industrial Power Tool Shop 大商集团牧田专业电动工具专卖店