- So you need,as the farmer,to put the oyster basket into good water,and that is virtually unobtainable in an industrialised country like Japan. 养珠人应该把蚌放到良好的水域去,在工业发达国很难找到这种地方,比如日本。
- So you need, as the farmer, to put the oyster basket into good water, and that is virtually unobtainable in an industrialised country like Japan. 养珠人应该把蚌放到良好的水域去,在工业发达国很难找到这种地方,比如日本。
- "Norway proposed that this could be met by auctioning a percentage of each industrialised country’s emission quota and placing it in a fund. “挪威提议称,可以通过拍卖各个发达国家的部分排放配额并将拍卖所得放入一个基金来实现。
- In industrialised countries the per capita consumption of lime products amounts to approx. 在工业化国家里,石灰产品的人均消耗量大约是每年。
- People in industrialised countries eat between six and seven kilograms of food additives every year. 在工业化国家,平均每人每年会吃下六到七公斤食品添加剂。
- At the beginning of the 19th century, Switzerland is one of the most highly industrialised countries in Europe. 19世纪初期,瑞士已经成为欧洲最为工业化的国家之一。
- As a result, the world's economic balance is tilting from rich industrialised countries to emerging markets. 结果,世界经济的平衡正从富裕的工业化国家向新兴市场倾斜。
- This does not mean that the world will be able to make light of a slowdown in industrialised countries. 这并非意味着全球可以轻视工业化国家的衰退。
- Right now, the political focus is on protecting consumers and taxpayers in industrialised countries. 目前,全球政治的焦点是保护工业化国家的消费者和纳税人。
- Industrialised countries have accrued a large debt for past malpractices and they are now seeking to make amends. 工业化国家因为过去的不良行为而欠下了大量 的孽债,而现在正寻求弥补过失。
- More important, there were different priorities for the industrialised countries and emerging economies. 更重要的是,工业化国家和新兴经济体的考虑重点不同。
- The findings may help explain the falling birth-rate of boys in industrialised countries, including the UK and US. 这个发现有助于解释已工业化的国家生男孩率下降的原因,包括英国和美国。
- That compares with an average for industrialised countries of between 104 and 107 boys for every 100 girls. 和平均的那比较为为每个 100个女孩工业化在 104 和 107个男孩之间的国家。
- Despite a period of global economic insecurity the UK employment rate and the ILO unemployment rate are the best of the major industrialised countries. 尽管一段时期内全球经济不稳定,但是英国的就业率和ILO国际劳工组织失业率是主要发达国家中最好的。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- The WEF survey covered all 30 industrialised countries in the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), plus 28 emerging market countries. 这次的调查覆盖了总部设在巴黎的经济合作与发展组织旗下的30个工业化国家,以及28个新兴市场国家。
- So while the costs of the food crisis bore heavily upon the poor, the benefits accrued more to farmers in industrialised countries. 所以,在食品危机的成本大量的加在穷人身上的同时,其带来的收益却更多的给了工业国。
- Internal trade among east Asian developing and newly industrialised countries grew from 2.2 per cent of world trade in 1985 to 6.5 per cent in 2001. 东亚发展中国家和新兴工业化国家之间的内部贸易,从1985年占全球贸易的2.;2%25,增至2001年的6
- In industrialised countries the price of a permit to emit a tonne of carbon dioxide will need to reach $50 by 2020 and $110 by 2030. 在发达国家,到2020年一吨二氧化碳排放额度的价格需要达到50美元,到2030年将需要达到110美元。