- industries evolving 产业演进
- At this time the watch and camera industries were taking shape. 这时,钟表和照相机工业开始形成。
- The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries. 政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的行业。
- Our galaxy is a continuously evolving system. 我们的星系是一个不断演化的星系。
- It seems hard to believe that what is now an international sport and multimillion-dollar industry evolved from origins as humble as hitting a pebble around sand dunes with a stick. 很难相信如今这个价值高达数**美元的国际性工业,是从随便拿根棍子,在沙丘上挥打鹅卵石这种微不足道的运动发展起来的。
- It is not the government's policy to prop up declining industries. 资助不景气的工业不是政府的政策。
- Whether modern humankindis still evolving? 现代人仍在进化之中。
- Confronting the Evolving Prepay Market? 如何面对不断演进的预付费市场?
- The government does not intend to prop up declining industries. 政府无意扶持不景气的企业。
- The evolving function of the dome. 圆屋顶的功能演进。
- These standards are always evolving. 这些标准总是在不断地发展。
- Language is constantly and gradually evolving. 语言在不断地缓慢发展。
- The concept of automation is evolving rapidly. 自动化操作理念进化的非常快.
- Several industries are developing in this area. 几种工业正在这个地区发展。
- Military UAVs are evolving quickly. 军用无人机正如雨后春笋似地发展。
- Monitoring and evolving your site . 监测和改进你的网站。
- The "Palmiero" species is always evolving. 谁会戴我的作品?”
- It is a policy that looks towards the development of local industries. 这是一项旨在促进地方工业发展的政策。
- This is what education is evolving into. 这是正在展开进入的教导。
- The reason for this is the evolving DNA. 这是为了DNA进化的原因。