- cotton textile industry in modern China 中国近代棉纺织业
- insurance industry in modern China 中国近代保险业
- the press industry in modern China 中国近代报业
- His dilemma was not a uncommon one in modern China. 他的尴尬处境,在现代中国并不少见。
- Research on the thoughts in Modern China? 中国近代思想史研究?
- Zheng Guanying was a famous thinker in modern China. 郑观应是中国近代著名的思想家。
- Mr.Du is a preeminent expert of Library Science in modern China. 是我国近现代卓越的图书馆学家。
- Li Shutong is an illuminative music educator in modern China. 李叔同是我国近代著名的启蒙音乐教育家。
- A Tentative Study on the Replacement of Import of Flour Industry in Modern China 试论近代中国面粉业的进口替代问题
- industry in modern China 中国近代工业
- Beidaihe used to be one of the four biggest villa areas in modern China. 北戴河是中国近代的四大别墅区之一。
- In modern China, the cafe is often considered a good place for lovers' tryst. 现今在中国,咖啡屋通常被认为是情人幽会的好地方。
- The Chinese YMCA is an active non-governmental organization in modern China. 摘要中华基督教青年会是近代中国历史上一个十分活跃的非政府组织。
- The opium is one of the most serious social problems in modern China. 鸦片是近代中国社会最严重的社会问题之一。
- Is meat packing a big industry in your country? 在你们国家里,肉类加工厂是否算一门大型工业?
- Yes ,the realism.Not a peryasive element in modern China cinematic vision. 但是导演超级烂,为啥宋庆龄如入无人之境的进入解放军驻地?
- The production base of the group(Lexiang industry zoon) locates in Nantong, which is called the first city in modern China, the first one designed in a scientific concept in China. 乐想集团拥有乐想实业、乐想门窗、乐想铝扣板、乐想船舶机械等多个子公司。
- The information industry is an infant industry in our country. 信息产业在我国是新兴产业。
- The Pope has no temporal power in modern society. 教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。
- In modern China, the chamber of commerce as both the system provider and demander played the role of a participant in the making and evolving of the system of industry and business. 摘要在近代中国,商会扮演着工商制度安排和变迁的参与者角色,具有制度供给和需求双重身份的性质和特征。