- industry interest group 行业利益集团
- Talking about the interest group of U.S.A. 浅论美国利益集团。
- How to create my own interest group? 我怎样建立我自己的兴趣群组?
- What is Special Interest Group (SIG) ? 什么是特别兴趣小组(SIG)?
- Meeting of Interest Group on the Scope of Legal Aid. 法律援助范围兴趣小组会议情况。
- The particular cause supported by an interest group. 由某利益集团支持的特殊事业
- It has now come to light that he was financially backed by some interest group. 们刚刚得知,他受到了某个利益集团的经济支持。
- Interest groups are free associations. 利益集团都是自由的社团。
- Intranet special interest groups and chat rooms. 在图书馆内部网页上建立特别兴趣小组和聊天室。
- The Chamber of Commerce ,as a representative of the interest group ,symbolizes the interest of the industry and commerce circle ,which can make up somewhat market and government failure due to its unique characteristic and function . 作为利益团体的代表,商会代表和维护工商业者的利益。 由于具有独特的组织特征和功能,商会能在相当程度上弥补市场失灵和政府失灵。
- "By hosting the Digital Ad Lab and BPIF Digital Interest Group meetings, which aren’t open to all visitors, we are positioning the event as the London meeting point for the industry," says Gayle. “通过举办数字广告实验室和BPIF数字兴趣小组会议,这是不开放给所有游客,我们的活动定位在伦敦会议上指出的行业, ”盖尔说。
- Vested interest groups are responsible for the creation of policy. 政策的创立取决于既得利益集团。
- The nurses catered to my every need. The legislation catered to various special interest groups. 护士们照顾到我的一切需要。立法兼顾了各种特殊利益群体
- Summary: Top three keywords of lobbying industry in 2006: Abramoff, Israel Lobby &Special Interest Groups. 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏影响大洋两岸的三个游说关键词查看全文2006-12-1514:49:00
- The W3C XML Special Interest Group had representatives from more than 100 companies and invited experts. W3C XML专门利益集团拥有100多家公司的代表和特邀专家。
- Special regional and commercial interest groups sprang up. 特殊的区域性和商业性的事业集团纷纷崛起。
- No interest group is permitted to enter the House of Representatives or the Senate and vote. 利益集团不被允许进入众议院或参议院,也不能投票。
- The legislation catered to various special interest groups. 这项立法迎合了。
- There is widespread industrial interest in these resins, which are finding there an advanced field of application. 这些树脂有着广泛的工业意义,它的应用领域正在不断扩大。
- Your involvement in interest groups may bring you popularity. 摩羯座:参加兴趣小组可能给自己带来声望。