- A Study of Metropolitan Service Industry Location Theory and Substantiation 大城市服务业区位理论及其实证研究
- On REN Mei-e's Study on the Industrial Location Theory of Alfred Weber 论任美锷关于韦伯工业区位理论的研究
- industry location theory 工业区位论
- The theory of industrial cluster is a comparatively new theory explaining the spatial agglomeration of industries and economic sectors based on the traditional industrial locational theories. 摘要企业集群理论是由传统产业区位论发展而成的新的关于企业空间集聚的理论。
- Location Theory and Reginal Economic Growth. 由此一研究成果出发,我发展出一套主要的经济成长理论。
- A View on the Motive and Location of Corporation's Transnational Investment Based on Weber's Industrial Location Theory 从韦伯的工业区位论看企业跨国投资的动机及地点选择
- industrial location theory 工业区位论
- GE Yao-zhong.New types of protective relaying and fault location theory and techniques [ M ].Xi' an: Xi' an Jiaotong University Press, 1996. [1]葛耀中.;新型继电保护与故障测距原理与技术[M]
- I also compare FDI and IDI, as to the same and difference between them.Next, I introduce the development of FDI Location Theory. 笔者在第四部分主要就产业结构分析了FDI的正面效应,如产业结构升级,促进技术密集型产业的发展,扩大劳动力就业和改善市场结构等等,以及负面效应。
- According to enterprise location theory, the author uses spatial econometric model to analyze the local factors of FDI regional distribution throughout 29 provinces in China. 摘要依据企业选址理论,运用空间计量模型对我国29个省FDI的区域分布的区位条件进行了经验研究。
- With 17-year IT experience in semiconductor and high-tech industry located at Hsinchu Science Park, TW, Silicon Valley, US and Suzhou, China. 17年IT工作资历,主要服务于半导体及高科技产业,工作地点遍及台湾新竹科学园区、美国矽谷及中国苏州。
- Jin-an industry located in the Chinese financial center is called - in Shanghai, is the focus on the business of luxury villas with Chinese metal door manufacturing process! 详细描述:锦安实业坐落于有中国金融中心之称的--上海,是专注与豪华别墅门行业的中国金属工艺门制造企业!
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- Hayter R.The Dynamics of Industrial Location:The Factory,the Firm and the Production System[M].England:John Wiley & Sons Ltd,1997. 杜龙政;刘友金;张玺.;企业集团与企业集群的互动和进化[J]
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Industry is reviving after the recession. 经济衰退后,工业正在复兴。
- This paper focuses on a study of the targets and methods of regional policy, and their roles in the regional economic development from the angle of economic locational theory. 本文从经济区位论的角度,研究了区位政策的目标和手段、以及它们对区域经济发展的作用。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Three-phase current unit for wet and dry vacuuming in industrial locations. 采用三相电源的吸尘吸水机,应用于工业场合。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。