- The weakness of manufacturing industry of Taiyuan city equipment and fogyism, the take the lead ining that restricting Taiyuan city badly develops. 太原市装备制造业的薄弱和落伍,严重制约着太原市的率先发展。
- The goal of the chamber is "Gather the elite of manufacturing industry of the cosmetics and build the bridgehead of the cosmetic trade in China". 它的目标和口号是 “汇聚化妆品制造业精英,铸造中国美容行业龙头”。
- Through discussing the industry of manufacturing spice of the royal court and the folk in ancient China, this paper uncovers the development rule of industry of manufacturing spice in ancient China. 本文就宋明以来宫廷与民间的制香业进行全面探讨,揭示中国古代制香业的发展规律。
- In addition conch group Co., Ltd. rank enterprise 500 tops 74th, manufacturing industry of Chinese, Cherry ranks the 120th of 500 tops of Chinese enterprise of manufacturing industry. 此外,海螺集团有限责任公司名列中国制造业企业500强第74位,奇瑞名列中国制造业企业500强第120位。
- One, the notional manufacturing industry of manufacturing industry is to point to the floorboard that has treatment and the industrial department that have constructional to component to raw material. 一、制造业的概念 制造业是指对原材料进行加工以及对零部件进行装配的工业部门的总称。
- The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。
- Knowledge of manufacturing and engineering process. 熟悉制造工艺和非标设备。
- Quality control of manufacturing process. 制造过程质量控制。
- industry of manufacturing electronic information products 电子信息产品制造业
- The industry of this district is advanced. 这个地区工业发达。
- Controlling of manufacturing for each project. 控制每个项目的生产过程;
- Fostering A Pillar Industry of Hunan Tourism! 培育壮大湖南旅游支柱产业!
- Deep Processing Industry of Agro-products. 农产品深加工业。
- The industry of Suzhou should is pretty good. 苏州的工业应该算是不错的。
- The industry of this district is flourishing. 这个地区工业发达。
- Producing movies is only an industry of Hollywood. 电影业仅仅是好莱坞的产业之一。
- What is the major industry of our nation? 我们国家的主要工业是什么?
- The main uses of manufacturing information are listed. 阐述了制造信息的主要用途。
- Is American Steel Industry of "Sunset Industry"? 美国钢铁工业是“夕阳工业”吗?
- Government has become a substantial provider of manufacturing finance. 政府已变成制造业资金的重要提供者。