- Neoteric Industry of Material Flow 近代物流业
- industry of material flow 物流产业
- The Rohwedder Group is one of the world's leading system suppliers of material flow automation and testing solutions in the automotive and electronics industry. 罗威德集团是面向自动化技术的系统解决方案产品的顶级供应商之一。
- This detector provides status signal of material flow in bulk conveying system. 物料探测器提供散料输送系统中物料流动状况信号。
- It is imperative to all enterprises to improve the efficiency of material flow. 如何提高货场调度效率是广大企业急需解决的一项课题。
- The balance,test and operation of material flow in every system during flour milling were introduced. 主要介绍了小麦制粉中各系统物料流量的平衡分配、检测及其操作。
- Status and Perspective of.Application of Material Flow Analysis (MFA).Paul H.Brunner ... 中技社 97年度秋季环境与能源国际研讨会.
- The storm did a great deal of material damage. 暴风雨造成了大量物质损失。
- Substance flow analysis (SFA), and material flow accounting and analysis (MFA) are the main types of material flow analysis. 元素流分析(substance flow analysis,SFA)和物质流核算与分析(material flow accounting and analysis,MFA)是物质流分析的2种主要方法。
- By means of numerical simulation, the proper flow trend of material and the effect of material flow on the finished workpieces during IHF are analyzed. 采用数值模拟技术对防锈铝内高压成形过程中材料的合理流动趋势及其对最终成形结果的影响进行了分析,并与实验结果进行了比较。
- The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。
- Based on the results of experiment and calculation, a design project of automatic feeder that can realize quantitative control of material flow was designed. 在试验研究和理论计算的基础上,设计出一种能够精确控制物料流量的自动添料装置。
- Inventory is a static numerical value and static store from spot time perspective.But it's a combination of material flow and data flow from series time perspective. 存货从单一时点来看是一个静态数值和静态的库存,但从时段来看则是物流与数据流的结合。
- She made a cushion out of odd bits of material. 她用碎布头做了个靠垫。
- The industry of this district is advanced. 这个地区工业发达。
- Fostering A Pillar Industry of Hunan Tourism! 培育壮大湖南旅游支柱产业!
- A plentiful supply of material goods; wealth. 富裕物质商品的大量供应; 财富
- According to the dir ections of material flow, the international modes of production cap be classified as follows: the concentrated mode of production, the dispersed mode of production and the combined mode of production. 国际化生产方式,根据物流方向的不同可分为:中心生产方式、分散生产方式、混合生产方式。
- Deep Processing Industry of Agro-products. 农产品深加工业。
- The industry of Suzhou should is pretty good. 苏州的工业应该算是不错的。