- Infected plant material is a major means of introduction. 有传染病的植株是主要的传染媒介。
- After a couple of weeks, almost all the infected plants bore cotton bolls. 一两星期之后几乎所有有病的棉花都结核了。
- They generally puffed up the infected plants and burn them. 他们通常都把病株拔起来烧掉。
- Infected plants may be dwarfed, mature early, suffer severe blast. 被侵植株矮化,早熟,严重枯萎。
- Both products should be sprinkled over the infected plants. 这两种产品都应该被洒在被感染的植物上。
- After elucidation the mechanisms of Agrobacterium tumefaciens itself when they infected plant cells, researchers have turned their interest to factors of plant at this process. 随着农杆菌介导遗传转化过程中农杆菌一方转化机理的阐明,人们现在已经将目光转向了参与在农杆菌介导遗传转化过程中的植物因子。
- After a couple of weeks,almost all the infected plants bore cotton bolls. 一两星期之后几乎所有有病的棉花都结核了。
- After a couple of weeks, almost all the infected plants bore cotton bolls . 一两星期之后几乎所有有病的棉花都结核了。
- Stem rust produces reddish-brown spots on the stems of infected plants. 绣杆菌会在受感染的植物杆子上产生红棕色的点。
- This unique reference offers essential information on the detection of plant pathogens in seeds, vegetatively propagated seed materials, infected plants, soil, and water. 本站所有图书及资料均可在子午学术论坛得到应助下载。
- The damage may be twofold: infected plants may produce less grain, and the quality of the grain itself may be lessened. 病害的破坏是双重性的,一方面感病植株麦粒减少,另一方面麦粒本身的质量也降低。
- Stem rost rust produces reddish brown reddish-brown spots on the stems of infected plants. 患杆锈的植物的茎秆上会出现红棕色斑点。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The institute's Rachid Hanna says farmers must destroy infected plants, normally by burning them. 该研究所的理查德.;汉纳说,农民们必须消灭被感染的植株,通常用火烧。
- The leaves of infected plants weaken and become yellow. They also leak a yellow liquid. The bananas ripen too quickly and begin to rot. 被感染的植物的叶子衰弱并发黄。这些叶子也流出一种黄色的液体。香蕉成熟太快并开始腐烂。
- The disease kills wheat plants by robbing them of water and nutrients. Stem rust produces reddish-brown spots on the stems of infected plants. 这种疾病抢夺小麦作物的水和养分致其死亡。茎锈病让受其感染植物的茎上长出棕红色的圆点。
- Stamrast Stem rust produces radish brown reddish-brown spots on the stams stems of infected plants, so we can stums .The weakened stems break easily. 茎锈病会使受感染的植物的茎上产生淡红色半点,脆弱的茎干很容易被折断。
- Dr Liu found that type B insects lived six times longer on infected plants than uninfected ones, and their population per infected plant might rise as high as 13 times that on an uninfected one. 虽然烟粉虱属于一个单独的种,但实际上拥有复杂的生物型,而自九十年代中期B生物型侵入中国后,迅速取代了其他危害较弱的同类,一跃成为“超级害虫”。
- Qiu B S, Li H H, Shi C L, et al.Amplification of phytoplasma 16S rDNA from 20 infected plants in china and their RFLP analysis[J].Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 1998, 34(6): 67-74. [6]邱并生; 李横虹; 史春霖; 等.;从我国20种感病植物中扩增植原体16S rDNA片段及其RFLP分析[J]
- The plant converts crude oil into gasoline. 这家工厂将原油加工成汽油。