- infectio directa 直接传染, 接触传染
- The patients with mouth infectio and unco cious can not use oral thermometer. 口腔有感染和昏迷的病人也不能使用口表。
- Conclusion: Inte nsive nursing of incision on trachea and of intubation point can reduce infectio n rate of trachea. 结论:于气管切开处应用无菌纱布及加强静脉置管处穿刺点的护理,可降低导管感染的发生。
- There is evidence that removing the adenoids at the same time as i erting the grommet also hel by reducing the probability of future infectio . 有证据表明,通过插管既能消除腺肿,同时还有助于减少日后感染的可能性。
- In digital circuits the output state is determined by the input signals in as directa manner as the output voltage of an analog circuit is related to the input signal. 在数字线路中,输出状态是由输入信号决定的,就像这类线路的输出电压是与输入信号有关的一样直接。
- Conclusion:As prostitutes and whoring goers have an incidence of STDs significantly higher than thatin general population,they are chief infectio... 结论:卖淫嫖娼人员性传播性疾病发病率明显高于一般人群,是性传播性疾病主要传染源。
- Conclusion:This technique compare with the traditional method are of simp le,sealing property is good,the wound healing speech is rapid and cross infectio n opportunity is rare. 结论:多孔敷料负压封闭处理创面与传统方法相比较,具有操作简单、密闭好、创面愈合速度加快、降低交叉感染等优点。
- M. InesBorges-Walmsley. , DaliangChen. , XinhuaShu. , Adrian R.Walmsley.* , : Division of Infectio 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- actio commodati directa [法] 出借人的诉权
- Navicula directan. 直舟形藻
- Navicula directa var. javanican. 直舟形藻爪哇变种
- Navicula directa var. remotan. 直舟形藻疏远变种
- Navicula directa var. incusn. 直舟形藻砧骨变种
- retentio directa 直接固位
- infectio aerialis 空气传染
- infectio contacta 直接传染, 接触传染
- infectio cruciata 相互传染
- infectio peroralis 经口传染
- subclinical infectio, immunity 隐性传染免疫