- The adaptation of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) B 836 F 4 to Vero cells was studied. 传染性法氏囊病病毒疫苗的传统生产工艺是利用鸡胚成纤维细胞增殖 IBDV;但易被外源病原污染 ;且生产成本很高 .
- Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine, Live (LIBDV Strain) CEVA-PHYLAXIA Veterinary Biologicals Co.Ltd. 鸡传染性法氏囊病活疫苗(LIBDV株)匈牙利诗华-费拉西亚兽医生物制品有限公司(2004)外兽药准字43号2004.;11-2009
- By AGP and inoculated into CEF identification, the virus was infectious bursal disease virus. 肾脏出血肿大,有尿酸盐沉淀,呈花斑状;
- Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is an important pathogenic agent of chicken. 摘要传染性法氏囊病毒是鸡的一种重要的病原。
- A virus was isolated from the Sanhuang broiler, which was suspected to be infectious bursal disease virus. 摘要河南郑州地区某养鸡场的三黄肉鸡出现精神沉郁,拉水样白色粪便,剖检可见法氏囊水肿、出血;
- A very virulent HK46 strain of infectious bursal disease virus(IBDV)was isolated from chicken bursa and the genomic RNA for virus was extracted. 从法氏囊组织分离IBDV超强毒株HK46并提取基因组RNA。
- The capsid protein, VP2, of the Infectious bursal disease virus(IBDV)plays a vital role in virus binding and cell recognition. VP2为传染性华氏囊病毒(IBDV)的外鞘蛋白,推测其参与病毒接受体结合及具有辨识宿主细胞的功能。
- Rosenberger J K,Cloud S S.Isolation and characterization of variant infectious bursal disease viruses [abst][J].J A Vet Med Assoc,189:357. 李广星;孙宗属;刘文周;等.;四株鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒毒力的研究[J]
- Influence of Marek's disease virus (MDV) infections on antibody titers induced by newcastle disease virus (NDV) and infectious bursal disease (IBDV) vaccines was studied. 研究了马立克氏病病毒(MDV)不同致病型毒株感染鸡后对新城疫病毒(NDV)和传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)疫苗抗体反应的影响。
- Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute and highly contagious chicken and turkey infectious disease caused by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). 传染性法氏囊病(Infectious bursal disease,IBD)是由传染性法氏囊病病毒(Infectious bursal disease virus,IBDV)引起的鸡和火鸡的一种急性、高度接触性传染病。
- An indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA) was set up using sheep erythrocytes sensitized with capsid protein VP2 of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) which were expressed in Escherichia coli. 摘要以大肠杆菌表达的传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)衣壳蛋白VP2致敏绵羊红细胞,建立间接血凝试验(IHA)。
- One hundred SPF chickens were divided equally into 5 groups. The chickens of 3 groups(A,B,C) were infected after being immunized with infectious bursal disease(IBD)recombinant subunit double emulsion vaccine. 100只SPF鸡均分为5组,A、B、C3组免疫后攻毒,接种3批次自制的IBD基因工程重组亚单位油乳剂疫苗;
- Many viruses induce immunosuppression including Marek's disease virus (MDV), Chicken anemia virus(CAV), Reticulo Endotheliosis virus (REV), Avian leukosis virus Subgroup J (ALV-J), Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and ReoV et al . 可引起免疫抑制的病毒很多,主要有鸡马立克氏病病毒(MDV)、鸡传染性贫血病病毒(CAV)、J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)、网状内皮组织增殖症病毒(REV)、鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)和呼肠孤病毒(ReoV)等。
- Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute, highly contagious viral infection of chickens and turkeys. The bursa of Fabricius is a target organ for Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). 鸡传染性法氏囊病(Infectious bursal disease,IBD)是由传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)引起的鸡和火鸡的一种高度接触性传染病。
- chicken Infectious Bursal Disease 传染性法氏囊病
- chicken infectious bursal disease virus 鸡传染性法氏囊病精毒
- chicken infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) 鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒
- Infectious bursal disease (IBD) has still been one of the most important diseases in poultry industry around the world and vaccination is now the most effective measure for the disease control. 摘要传染性法氏囊病(IBD)仍然是世界养禽业影响最大的传染病之一。疫苗接种是目前控制IBD最有效的措施。
- Infectious bursal disease antibody test kit 传染性法氏囊病抗体试剂盒(动)
- infectious bursal disease virus of chickens 鸡传染性粘液囊病病毒