- The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the horn. 云雀在空中飞翔,蜗牛伸出触角爬行。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。
- I consider it to be inferior to robot. 我认为它不及机器人。
- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的级别低於少校。
- Woman is inferior to man in strength. 女人力量不及男人。
- A feather, wing, fin, or similar appendage. 羽、翼或鳍状结构羽、翼、鳍或类似的悬着物
- The Silver Age came next, inferior to the golden. 接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。
- The car has had a new wing welded on. 这辆汽车焊接了一个新的翼子板。
- This plastic is inferior in quality to glass. 这塑胶的质料比玻璃差。
- The house was enlarged with a new wing. 增建的厢房使房屋扩大了。
- The nearside wing was damaged in the collision. 汽车碰撞时左侧的翼子板撞坏了。
- I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods. 我不愿花这么多钱买次品。
- He's so clever, he makes me feel inferior. 他那么聪明,让我自愧不如。
- A seagull fluttered down with an injured wing. 一只海鸥拍打着翅膀飞落下来。
- The hen tucked her head under her wing. 那母鸡把头缩在翅膀下。
- These people occupy an inferior position in local society. 这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。
- Time takes wing when you're enjoying yourself. 人快活时,光阴飞一般地流逝。
- The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand on us. 那个推销员试图以劣质牌号骗卖给我们。
- Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the enemy plane. 我们的机翼固定机枪发出的子弹射入敌机机身。
- Of low, common, or inferior quality. 低质量的低的、普通的或劣等的质量的