- Which quotients are infinite decimals? 哪道题的商是无限小数?
- Do the following problems. Which quotients are finite decimals? Which quotients are infinite decimals? 做一做:下面哪道题的商是有限小数?哪道题的商是无限小数?
- The infinite decimals can be divided into two groups: the repeating decimals and the infinite non-repeating decimals. 无限小数又可分为循环小数和无限不循环小数两类。
- Not expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers. Used of numbers,especially nonrepeating infinite decimals. 超越的不能表示为整数或整数的根或商的,用指来数字,尤其是无限不循环小数。
- Not expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers.Used of numbers, especially nonrepeating infinite decimals. 超越的不能表示为整数或整数的根或商的,用指来数字,尤其是无限不循环小数
- Not expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers.Used of numbers,especially nonrepeating infinite decimals. 超越的不能表示为整数或整数的根或商的,用指来数字,尤其是无限不循环小数
- Not expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers. Used of numbers, especially nonrepeating infinite decimals. 超越的不能表示为整数或整数的根或商的,用指来数字,尤其是无限不循环小数
- Most countries have a decimal currency. 大多数国家使用十进制货币。
- The decimal 0.61 stands for 61 hundredths. 小数0.;61代表百分之六十一。
- United States money has a decimal system. 美国货币采用十进制。
- Teaching little children takes infinite patience. 教幼儿需有极大的耐心。
- The death of her son gave her infinite pain. 她儿子的去世使她悲痛欲绝。
- Being neither infinite nor infinitesimal. 非极限的,非无限小的既非无穷大也非无限小
- The number of positive numbers is infinite. 正数的数目是无穷的。
- In the decimal form of a number, a digit that is not significant. 占位符号在一个数的小数形式中,没有意义的数字
- Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971. 英国于1971年改行十进制货币体系。
- Being without boundaries or limits; infinite. 无限制的没有限制或界线的; 无限的
- infinite decimal 无尽小数
- The last figure of the decimal 0.63 repeats. 小数0.;63的末位数是循环的。
- The recurring decimal 3.999 ... is also described as 3.9 recurring. 循环小数`3.999 ... '亦作`3.9循环'.