- Around adnexal inflammatory cell infiltration is also evident. 附属器周围亦有明显炎细胞浸润。
- A few dark blue inflammatory cells are scattered within the atheroma. 一些暗蓝色的炎细胞散在分布于粥样硬化病灶内。
- The changes mainly were edema, hyperemia an d inflammatory cell infiltration. 病变部位可以出现在粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜层。
- While on antrum, inflammatory cells infiltrated into the entire layer of mucosa to varying degrees. 因此,有人把前者称为典型的浅表性胃炎,把后者称为慢性单纯性胃炎。
- The dark stippled dots in the yellow fluid and on the epicardial surface represent scattered inflammatory cells. 黄*色液体中以及心外膜表面上可见一些黑点,是零散的炎性细胞。
- Freezing destroys the cancer cells, inflammatory cells, and small sensory nerve cells that cause pain. 冷冻破坏了癌细胞、炎症细胞以及引起疼痛的感觉神经细胞。
- At higher magnification, the overlying pseudomembrane at the left has numerous inflammatory cells, mainly neutrophils. 左边覆盖的假膜有很多的炎症细胞,主要是中性粒细胞。
- Note also the hyperplasia of the basal cells, and the presence of intraepithelial inflammatory cells (green arrow). 同时,绿箭头示基底细胞的增生增厚,上皮内可见炎细胞。
- Here is a purulent exudate in which the exuded fluid also contains a large number of acute inflammatory cells. 打开的心包腔内微黄*色的液体即为化脓性渗出物。
- Three skin biopsies demonstrated degeneration of fibrinogen, perivenous infiltration of inflammatory cells. 皮肤活检3例示胶原变性,小静脉周围可见炎性细胞浸润。
- The graft versus host disease here is marked by yellow-brown collections of bile in the canaliculi, as well as chronic inflammatory cells within the liver parenchyma. 移植物抗宿主疾病反映的是胆小管内黄棕色的胆汁淤积,同时肝实质慢性炎细胞浸润。
- Pustules are small elevations of the skin containing purulent material (usually necrotic inflammatory cells). 脓疱是皮肤上的小隆起,内含脓液(为坏死的炎性细胞)。
- This is chronic osteomyelitis.Note the fibrosis of the marrow space accompanied by chronic inflammatory cells. 慢性骨髓炎,可见骨髓腔的纤维化并伴有慢性炎细胞浸润。
- Histology shows fatty liver,intrahepatic cholestasis and infiltration of the bile duct triangles by inflammatory cells. 组织学检查显示:脂肪肝、肝内淤胆、胆囊三角内炎症细胞侵润。
- This photomicrograph demonstrates a bronchus with increased numbers of chronic inflammatory cells in the submucosa. 图上显示支气管黏膜下层有大量的慢性炎细浸润。
- Objective To study histologic changes of rat external ear allograft and recruitment of inflammatory cells. 目的研究同种异体大鼠外耳郭移植后组织形态学改变及免疫细胞的浸润情况。
- The papillary and polypoid structures contain inflammatory cells in their cores. 乳头状和息肉样增生结构,核心部位还有炎细胞。
- Reactive mesothelia and inflammatory cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils) are always present. 反应性间皮细胞、炎细胞(淋巴、单核、中性粒细胞)都会存在。
- The numbers of inflammatory cells and neutrophils in BALF increased, and the protein content increased, too. 肺组织病理观察可见肺血管和气道周围有大量中性粒细胞浸润;
- Mast cells,an inflammatory cell type,play an important role in early and late stages of human atherosclerotic lesions. 肥大细胞,作为炎症细胞参与了人类动脉粥样硬化病变的早期和后期机制。