- Evans blue can be used into quantitative analysis of inflammatory lesion of local skin in rats induced by substance P. Evans蓝可用于由P物质诱导的鼠局部皮肤炎性损害的定量分析。
- It is suggested that there exist a relationship between Hp infection and PDI,and the Hp positive rate is correlated with the degree of inflammatory lesion. 提示PDI与Hp感染有关;且Hp阳性率与炎症程度密切相关.
- Benzoyl Peroxide is a topical treatment for acne, which is mainly responsible for inflammatory lesion and also has a moderate keratolytic and sebostatic activity. 目的:过氧化苯甲酰是治疗痤疮的一种外用制剂,主要对炎性损害有效,也有中度角质松解和抑制皮脂活性。
- Among inflammatory lesion and haemorrhoid patients, a significantly increased risk of colorectal cancer was obsered only in the first year after hospitalisation. 在炎症性损伤和痔疮病人中,可以观察到直肠结肠癌症的风险只在入院治疗后的第一年显著增加。
- Objective:To eliminate facial inflammatory lesion,decrease sebaceous secretion,prevent the formation of eystic acne and avoid the destructive facial scar . 目的:消除面部炎症性病变,减少皮脂的分泌,防止囊肿型痤疮的形成,避免遗留毁容性疤痕。
- For example, "Apis", a substance extracted from bee venom in a homeopathic dilution will help reduce congestion from an inflammatory lesion similar to that of a bee sting. 兽医顺势疗法应用 150年来得到了不断的发展,符合强化养殖业以及更近的生态农业发展的需要。
- A fungal infection caused by a blastomycete and characterized by multiple inflammatory lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, or internal organs. 芽生菌病由芽生菌引起的一种真菌传染病,其特点为皮肤、粘膜或内部器官多样的发炎损害
- Lesions of colorectal polyps were most in up to 30 cases, inflammatory lesions in six cases and colorectal hookworm disease in one. 病变以大肠息肉最多为30例,炎症病变6例,大肠钩虫症1例。
- For inflammatory lesions there was no statistically significant difference in efficacy between the study drug and clindamycin. 而对于炎性损伤,试验药物与克林霉素的效果没有统计意义上的显著差别。
- Dapsone gel was particularly effective against inflammatory acne lesions, they point out, with decreases in inflammatory lesions evident as early as 2 weeks after beginning treatment. 用氨苯砜凝胶治疗炎性痤疮是非常有效的,他们指出,治疗2周后炎性损害就有明显下降。
- Dapsone gel was particularly effectie against inflammatory acne lesions, they point out, with decreases in inflammatory lesions eident as early as 2 weeks after beginning treatment. 用氨苯砜凝胶治疗炎性痤疮是非常有效的,他们指出,治疗2周后炎性损害就有明显下降。
- inflammatory lesion 炎性病变
- Quantitative analysis of the dermal inflammatory lesions by Evans blue in mice Evans蓝用于鼠皮肤炎症反应损害程度的量化分析
- Microvenular hemangioma is a benign lesion. 微静脉型血管瘤是良性病变。
- An inflammatory exudate collects on the surface. 炎性渗出物集合在表面。
- Grossly, a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion. 肉芽肿是较局限化的。
- The lesion should not be squeezed. 不要挤压患部。
- Breast cancer was a local lesion. 乳房癌是局部病变。
- The main complaint was ache at the lesion. 病变部位疼痛是患者就诊的主要原因。
- Is diabetes mellitus an inflammatory disease? 糖尿病是一种炎症性疾病?