- inflation premium: A premium added to a security to allow for inflation. 通货膨胀溢价:为应付通货膨胀而给证券增加的溢价。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- The annual premium on my policy is 3000 yuan. 我的保险单每年的保险费是三千元。
- The examiners put a premium on rational argument. 评委们对以理服人的论据给以高度评价。
- Inflation has got out of control. 通货膨胀失去了控制。
- The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通货膨胀率已经超过了8%。
- Shares are selling at a premium. 股票溢价出售。
- Inflation is the bogy of many governments. 通货膨胀是许多政府害怕的事情。
- Space is at a premium in this building. 在这个建筑物里场地面积十分昂贵。
- The shares are selling at a premium. 那些股票索价高于面值。
- The runaway inflation would seem to put the brakes on such a trend. 失控的通货膨胀似乎阻止这一趋势的发展。
- It will put a premium on drinking in the district. 这将助长地区内的酗酒风气。
- You have to pay a premium for express delivery. 你得支付特快投递的补加费用。
- The rate of inflation must be held down. 通货膨胀率必须控制在低水平上。
- Measures have been taken to curb inflation. 已采取措施抑制通货膨胀。
- The pay raise will be offset by inflation. 增加的工资会被通货膨胀所抵销。
- Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar. 通货膨胀影响美元的购买能力
- Inflation has sent food costs soaring. 通货膨胀于食物价格飞涨。
- The hamburger chain say it only use premium quality beef. 汉堡包连锁店声明他们只用上等牛肉。
- Drastic measures were taken to combat inflation. 已采取激烈措施对付通货膨胀。