- The girl has come down with influenza. 这女孩得了流行性感冒。
- She was taken down with influenza. 她患了流行性感冒。
- The boy has come down with influenza. 男孩染上了流行性感冒。
- We all had influenza last night. 我们昨晚都患了流感。
- The monitor is really a notch above us. 班长确实比我们略胜一筹。
- Many students were absent, notably the monitor. 许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。
- We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我们举手选举了班长。
- The patient was connected to the monitor. 病人被接上了监测器。
- A few cases of influenza cropped out every now and then. 不时出现一些流行性感冒的病例。
- The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza. 医生诊断此病为流行感冒。
- This kind of weather often brings on influenza. 这种天气常常会引起流行性感冒。
- The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates. 班长把试卷分发给同学们。
- She is ill in bed with influenza. 她因患流行性感冒而卧在床上。
- The monitor collected the exercise books after the class was over. 下课后,班长把练习册收了起来。
- This attack of influenza has crocked him up. 这次流行性感冒把他的身体弄垮了。
- The child was infected with influenza. 那小孩感染了流感。
- The monitor volume shall be left at75% of its maximum setting. 监视器的音量应该为其最大音量设置的75%。
- She is laid up with a nasty attack of influenza. 她因感染严重的流行性感冒而卧病在床。
- The new monitor apparatus is automatically controlled. 这套新的监护仪是自动控制的。
- A bad influenza cold has lost me some time. 害了一次严重流感使我损失了一些时间。