- We have long recognised the role of the Internet as an additional information channel. 我们早已明了互联网可作为额外的资讯渠道。
- They were more likely to go RR during the day time and were highly satisfied by the variety services from RR. (2) The information channel was more teacher-base in RR. (2)大专身心障碍学生对资源教室及相关服务的获知管道,仍由资源教师主动联系为多;对于资源教室编制服务手册、办理各项宣导活动、适时提供校园即时资讯等,亦有非常高的同意度。
- People of different demographic background used different information channels. ()来山地乡的卫生教育宣导活动应多元化,并符合当地民情所需。
- Which information channels do you use when choosing hotel or MICR site? 您一般都通过哪些渠道选择酒店或者会议地点?
- The distributed entangled particles shared by the sender Alice, the remote receiver Bob and the supervisor Charlie function as a quantum information channel for faithful transmission. 在保证量子通道安全的情况下,Alice直接将秘密信息编码到粒子态序列上,使用受控的量子态隐形传输的方法,在第三方Charlie的监督和控制下将秘密信息发送给接收方Bob。 Bob通过测量它的量子位直接读出被Alice编码的秘密信息。
- Along with the perfection of accounting criterion and constituting organization, the transparency of criterion constituting procedure is enhanced, the information channel is more unblocked. 随著会计准则与制定机构的完善,准则制定程序的透明度增强,信息管道更为畅通。
- To accelerate the opening of public credit information is conducive to the construction of social credit system, realize its value, improve its quality, and connect the credit information channel. 加快公共信用信息开放,有利于加快社会信用建设进程、实现其价值及提高信用信息质量、连接信用信息渠道。
- According to the information handling capacity,our country can be classified into three regions for the construction of information channel,this paper provides a rough classification of the three... 按照信息吞吐能力的不同可以将我国划分为三类信息通道建设地区:文章对三类地区进行了粗略的划分。
- Through virtual management, sporting goods enterprises may quickly grasp the demand of the market, gain the information channel for the products entering the market and realize the com. 体育用品企业通过虚拟经营可以迅速把握市场需求、获取产品进入市场的信道,实现产品品质和成本控制等竞争优势。
- Sina happy library all the time with " own warehouse of China's oldest original music music " to flaunt, "Information channel " the characteristic that still is sina happy library serves. 新浪乐库一直以“拥有中国最大的正版音乐曲库”为标榜,“资讯频道”仍是新浪乐库的特色服务。
- Author thinks the concepts of Qi and the meridian collaterals in Chinese Traditional Medicine just like the concepts of information and informational channel are general... 作者认为,经络理论中的“气”与经络如同自组自稳系统理论中的信息与信息通路,因此经络与“气”是广义的集合性概念,不存在所谓的基本实体。
- For nature there is always a sense of fulfillment in having our information channeled thru for others to hear. 对大自然而言,在让我们的信息得到通灵让别人听到时总是会有一种成就感。
- It is suggested that to constrain the spread of information opportunism, we should develop pluralistic information channels and organizations. 笔者认为,制约信息机会主义的蔓延,就要发展出多元化的信息沟通渠道以及信息提供机构。
- This is an informal channel of my rants (and yes I think I am entitled to express my likes and dislikes),and I hate to think that someone is misunderstanding my posts. 这是一个非正式的渠道去宣泄我的大吼大叫(并且我认为我有权利去表达我喜恶),我也讨厌去想一些人会误解我的文章。
- News now spreads rapidly via a multitude of formal and informal channels. 目前,通过正式和非正式的多种渠道快速传播各种消息。
- The information channeled by Edgar Cayce tells us that Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, the innkeeper at Bethlehem and Jesus himself were all Essenes. 被埃得加凯西开示的信息告诉我们玛丽,约瑟,施洗约翰,在伯利恒的旅馆主人和耶稣他自己全部都是艾赛尼派教徒。
- Information channeling technology is undergoing rapid progress and has, in reality, become a decisive factor determining the very future of our society and economy. 信息沟通技术迅速发展,事实上已成为决定我国社会与经济前途的关键性因素。
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。
- McLuhan in the 1960s that "the media is not only a passive provision of information channels, but also in the transfer of resources to change the mode of thinking. 麦克卢汉在上世纪60年代指出,“媒体不仅只是被动的提供信息渠道,而是在传输资源的同时改变思考的模式”。
- Design of DAB Fast Information Channel Decoder DAB快速信息通道的解码实现