- Construction Project Information Exchange Standard 建筑工程项目信息交换数据标准
- Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard 数字地理信息交换标准
- medical information exchange standard 医疗信息交换标准
- It conforms to the DICOM3.0international information exchanges standard,realizes the data,the network and the non-film medicine image diagnosis and the management,enhances diagnoses and ... 符合DICOM3.;0国际信息交换标准;实现了数据化、网络化和无胶片的医学影像诊断与管理;提高了诊疗质量和工作效率;对其它医院数字化进程也具有一定的借鉴作用。
- V3 Development Methodology and the Development of Chinese Healthcare Information Exchange Standard 3开发体系和我国医疗信息标准化建设
- HL7 V3 Development Methodology and the Development of Chinese Healthcare Information Exchange Standard HL7 V3开发体系和我国医疗信息标准化建设
- ASCII stands for "Amercian Standard Code for Information Exchange. ASCII代表“美国信息交换标准代码”。
- A standard for defining codes for information exchange between equipment produced by different manufacturers. 美国信息互换标准代码一种在不同厂家生产的设备之间为信息交换而定义编码的标准
- ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for Information Exchange. ASCII代表“美国信息交换标准代码”。
- information exchange standard 信息交换标准
- MIL-STD 188-220C protocol is a standard for information exchange among military packet radio C~4I systems. M IL-STD 188-220C是军用分组无线电C4I系统之间的互操作标准。
- HL7 is a widely-applied international standard for medical information exchange. 摘要HL7标准是目前医疗信息行业中使用最为广泛的医疗信息交换标准之一。
- To engage in an informal exchange of views. 进行非正式的意见交换
- Enhancing information exchange and cooperation of personnel training. 加强信息交流和人员培训合作。
- By form of reserve assets:gold standard system, gold exchange standard system, credit standard system. 按储备资产的保有形式:金本位制度,金汇兑本位制度,信用本位制度。
- This is a typical dynamic resource sharing and information exchange. 这是典型的动态资源共享和信息交换。
- These frameworks are divided into two parts: XML/EDIs about framework and XML/EDIs about exchange standard. 这些框架可以根据侧重点的不同分为框架为主的XML/ED工和交换标准为主的XML/EDI两种。
- Information exchange between subgroups employs island model in IPPGA. 伪并行遗传算法中子群体之间的信息交换采用孤岛模型。
- A specification for the format and relative timing of information exchanged between communicating parties. 通信双方之间交换信息的格式和相对定时[同步]的一种规范。
- At present, the most commonly used mold interface standard is IGES (original graphics exchange standard). 目前, 模具加工最常用的接口标准是IGES(原始图形交换标准)。