- To mark the beginning of the information age. 信息时代的标志。
- We are living in the information age. 我们现在生活在信息时代。
- They say this is the information age. 他们说这是数据年龄。
- People talk about this being the information age. 人们谈论实在数据年龄。
- The Information Age is a time of peak. 信息时代是大量需求电脑的时期。
- Human society has entered the Information Age now. 人类社会发展到今天,经历了石器时代、农耕时代、机器大工业时代的演变,进入到信息时代。
- Hacker is the side-product of information age. 黑客是信息时代的副产品。
- In the information age, we must be well-informed. 在信息时代,我们必须信息灵通。
- Hacker ethic and the spirit of the information age II. 黑客伦理与信息时代精神2。
- Programme experts are in great demand in the information age. 在信息时代,软件程序专家很吃香。
- The information age speeds up everything, even our heart rate! 信息时代一不小心改变了人类心脏跳动的频率。
- Is this the blessing or the curse of the "information age"? 这是诅咒还是祝福的"信息时代"?
- The information age has opened the door to white-collar crime. 信息时代为脑力劳动违法者(注:指依靠智力和知识进行犯罪活动的人)打开了大门。
- In this information age, we are deluged by data constantly. 在这个信息的时代,我们不断为数据所困扰。
- Although we live in the so-called Information Age, knowledge is the true asset. 虽然我们生活在所谓的信息时代,但知识才是真正的财富。
- Although we live in the so-called Information Age,knowledge is the true asset. 虽然我们生活在所谓的信息时代,但知识才是真正的财富。
- In this information age, to be computer literate is a must for survival. 在当今信息时代,会使用电脑已成为生存的必需。
- The Rockefeller of the Information Age, in business and philanthropy alike. 洛克菲勒的信息时代,在商业和慈善事业一样。
- Pekka Himanen, The Hacker Ethic and the spirit of the Information Age. 中文译本:骇客伦理与资讯时代精神(刘琼云译,大块文化,2002)
- They are the smartphoniacs, the true addicts of the information age. 他们就是智能手机狂,如假包换的信息时代瘾君子。