- infrastructure for daily needs 日常需求的基础结构
- We have to carry pails of water for daily needs from some lucky residents who had available water in their homes. 而此时,家乡频频停电,大部份居民家的水管全被冻结,大家开始提着水桶去幸运的熟人家接日常用水,我家也不例外。
- As the population grows, water shortages will become more common, and obtaining sufficient water for daily needs will be an increasing problem. 随着人口的增长,水的缺乏将越来越普遍。因此,获得充分的日常用水将成为日益严重的问题。
- All their daily needs are attended to. 他们的日常需要都得到了照顾。
- Forgiveness does not negate need for daily forgiveness. 上帝赦免我们的罪,不等于我们不需要每天被赦免。
- Thank Him for giving us our daily needs and our spiritual needs. 从那儿我们感谢祂赐下我们用的需要。
- We should step up the development of infrastructure for research. 加强科学基础设施建设。
- All varieties of goods for daily use are available. 日用百货一应俱全。
- We should strengthen the infrastructure for science and technology. 加强科技基础条件建设。
- We pump water from the well for daily use. 我们从井里抽水以供日用。
- Also prepare your business infrastructure for working with WHQL. 要同WHQL工作,还要准备你的商业组织结构。
- This should take care of all your daily needs. 这能满足您日常的需要。
- Regular train travellers may commute a single monthly payment for daily tickets. 经常坐火车的人可以按每天的票价折换购买月票。
- How will you set up the infrastructure for your portal? 如何建立门户的基础设施?
- Maintains proper documentation for daily operation. 做好日常操作记录。
- FIRST shall provide the communication infrastructure for the SIGs. 第一将为团体提供通讯基础结构。
- We depend on the newspaper for daily news. 我们靠读报获知道消息。
- This is the essential infrastructure for healthy interdependence. 这是健康的相互依存所必须的根本基础。
- Working with the director for daily routine. 协助运营总监处理日常事务。
- This account type is recommended for daily use. 在日常使用中,建议使用此帐户类型。