- Infrequent menstruation or amenorrhea not resulting from organic disease is not harmful. 非器质性病变引起的闭经及稀发月经对身体并无损害。
- Methods: Twenty-two cases with secondary amenorrhea and 4 cases of infertility with infrequent menstruation caused by follicle maldevelopment were treated with YJD. 方法:以养精汤治疗卵泡发育障碍性闭经22例、月经稀发不孕4例,共26例,并对其中7例患者进行治疗前后彩色多普勒卵巢、子宫血供测定。
- infrequent menstruation 月经稀少
- Explosions, though infrequent, are an occupational hazard for coal-miners. 矿井爆炸虽然不常发生,但却是煤矿工人职业中的危险。
- Abnormal suppression or absence of menstruation. 不正常经闭,无月经
- An instance or occurrence of menstruation. 经期月经的例子或出现
- How about your menstruation cycles? 你的经期准吗?
- When was your last menstruation? 你上一次月经是什么时候?
- These infrequent users cannot be ignored. 这些偶尔使用者的人数很少,但也不能被忽略。
- Muggings are relatively infrequent in this area. 在这个地区行凶抢劫事件相对少见。
- Staphylococcal enterocolitis is infrequent. 葡萄球菌性小肠结肠炎是一少见疾
- Blain of menstruation chairman blain ` ? 月经期间会长痘痘吗`?
- Of the woman come every time is menstruation when? 女人的每次来月经是什么时候?
- Either it is normal that menstruation bleeds ` ? 不是月经期间流血正常吗`?
- D: When was your last menstruation? 您最后一次月经在什么时候?
- My menstruation all the time very accurate. 我的月经一直都很准的。
- How should do like such menstruation? 像这样月经不来该怎么办?
- Is menstruation came behindhand how? 月经迟来了是怎么了?
- What should menstruation of girl first time notice? 女孩第一次月经要注意什么啊?
- Did menstruation come how does collywobbles do? ? 月经来了肚子疼怎么办??