- Quality:degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements. 质量:一组固有特性满足要求的程度。
- Degree t o which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements. 一组固有的特性满足要求的程度。
- The child's is sheer affection, the true ecstatic sense of the thing's inherent characteristics. 但这孩子心里的喜悦却是至真至纯的,是对这件事物的内在性感到真正的兴奋。
- Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements. 认为,质量即具有满足显性和隐性需求能力的产品所有特征之总合。
- Nature of commercial law is the inherent characteristics which can distinguish commercial law from other law. 商法的本质是指商法区别于其它法律的内在的质的规定性。
- Abstract: In this paper a new method to extract velocity information using the inherent characteristics of particle images in PIV is demonstrated. 摘 要: 通过对PIV中粒子图像固有特点的研究,提出了一种新的速度信息提取方法。
- Therefore, it was considered to be of considerable significance to render pullulan positively charged in an aqueous solution, its inherent characteristics being retained. 因此,普鲁兰多糖在水溶液中带有正电荷而其固有特性不变的性质非常重要。
- It is practical significant to improve oil extraction efficiency by selecting suitable pretreatment and the squeezing process according to rapeseed inherent characteristics. 根据油菜籽的这些固有特性,选择适宜的预处理方法和压榨工艺对改善油脂的提取效率具有实际意义。
- As a science and higher mathematics has its inherent characteristics, and this is a high degree of abstraction and strict logic and a wide range of application. 作为一门科学,高等数学有其固有的特点,这就是高度的抽象性、严密的逻辑性和广泛的应用性。
- Streaming media will be used widely in the future Internet and WLAN/MANET hybrid networks, but the inherent characteristics of wireless medium have an important effect on its performance. 流媒体将在未来的Internet和WLAN/MANET混合网络中广泛应用,但无线媒介的固有特征对其性能影响很大。
- However, to a large extent, these studies neglected the inherent characteristics of countries in economic transformation. Therefore, the aim to explain and predict the accounting practice of countries in economic transformation could not be reached. 但是这些研究在很大程度上忽略了转型经济国家的固有特征,因而不能达到解释和预测转型经济国家会计实务的目的。
- Satir believed that humanity itself had the energy of growth and change,symptoms were the efforts to adapt to the misguided,rather than the inherent characteristics of the personality. 她认为人类本身具有成长改变的能量,症状行为是对误入歧途的适应性努力,而不是人的固有的个性特征。
- Introduce based on BP network arm shelf structure and inherent characteristic construction of analysor. 第5章介绍了基于BP网络的臂架结构和固有特性分析器的构建。
- In the end of this article, based on the inherent characteristic of the ARP protocol, a new arithmetic is brought forward. 基于ARP协议的内在特性 ,在文章的最后提出了防范ARP欺骗的一种算法 ;
- We proposed a new speediness recognition and de-interleaving algorithm based on the inherent characteristic of signals in radar threat library. 并针对雷达威胁库中的信号,根据它的内在特性,提出了一种快速匹配和去交错的方法。
- When we want to find a spoon, for example, we go to the place where we keep our spoons. We don’t find the spoon by referring to any inherent characteristic of the spoon itself. 例如,当我们想找一个勺子,我们到自己放勺子的地方,我们不会通过勺子的固有特征来找它。
- However, service processes are usually slow processes which are prone to poor quality, and service quality has the inherent characteristic of heterogeneity. 然而,服务流程通常因作业速度缓慢而造成服务品质不佳,另一方面服务品质本身也具有变异性的特质。
- On the basis of a detailed analysis on the risk of inherent characteristic of ULC project, an AHP model for the evaluation of ULC project risk hasbeen developed in this paper. 在对城市土地整理风险分析的基础上,构建了城市土地整理项目风险评估AHP模型。
- There is an inherent weakness in the design. 这设计本身存在弱点。
- Involves adaptation not inherent characteristics 包含彼此间的适应性而非固有的协调性