- inherent sampling error 固有抽样误差
- Soil sampling error in agricultural environment. 农业环境中土壤取样误差研究。
- A biopsy could miss such lesions from sampling error, too. 活检会因取材不当而漏诊。
- The margin of sampling error for all adults was plus or minus 3 percentage points. 调查结果误差为上下三个百分点。
- The statistical effect of sampling error during the reproduction of alleles is much greater in small populations than in large ones. 在等位基因复制期间,抽样误差的统计学效果对小群体的影响比对大群体的影响大得多。
- The poll was conducted from Feb. 11-14 and involved telephone interviews with 1,007 adults. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points. ??? 这项民意测验是在2月11日至14日进行的,共电话采访了1007的成年人。 抽样误差区间为正负3个百分点。
- Q: Would different sample size for different questions affect the sampling error? 问:个别题目的样本数目会否影响抽样误差?
- Several events,that affect genetic variation during ecological restoration,such as sampling error and small population size (bottleneck or founding event and subsequent inbreeding and genetic drift),were extensively discussed. 分析了生态恢复过程中影响种群遗传变异的因素,主要有取样误差和小种群效应(主要是瓶颈或建立者事件及其以后的近交和漂变等);
- The overall results have a sampling error of plus or minus 1.09 percentage points, it said.CareerBuilder.com is owned by Gannett Co, Tribune Co, The McClatchy Co and Microsoft Corp. 在去年与同事约会过的受访者中,三分之一的人称自己的约会对象在公司中的职位比自己高,这其中有42%25的人与自己的上司约会。
- The measuring error, which is caused by the sampling error or electrical-net frequency drift error,can be overcomed, to a certain extent,by the measurment techniques with quasi-synchronization. 由采样误差或者电网频率发生漂移导致的测量误差可以采用准同步方法提高精度。
- The overall results have a sampling error of plus or minus 1.09 percentage points, it said. CareerBuilder.com is owned by Gannett Co, Tribune Co, The McClatchy Co and Microsoft Corp. 调查结果的误差在正负1.;09个百分点之间。凯业必达网站隶属于甘耐特公司、论坛公司、麦克莱奇报业集团和微软集团。调查结果的误差在正负1
- There is an inherent weakness in the design. 这设计本身存在弱点。
- This paper was focused on deriving the B nomogram of L-moments method,which was used to estimate the sampling errors in frequency analysis. 在设计洪水的抽样误差估计中,采用保证修正值系数B方法估计均方差简单易用。
- An inherent similarity between persons or things. 相似人或事物之间遗传上的相似之处
- Method R is computationally inexpensive, and the sampling errors and approximate credible intervals of estimates can be obtained. 法的主要优点是计算成本低,同时可以得到方差组分估值的抽样误差和近似置信区间。
- He has an inherent distrust of foreigners. 他天生对外国人不信任。
- This paper mainly discusses principle and application of sample error in hydrological analysis, and analyses an example. 阐述了抽样误差的原理及其在水文分析中的应用,并做实例分析。
- Inherent quality of character and temperament. 内在的气质性格、脾气的内在气质
- Possessed as an essential characteristic; inherent. 特有的,固有的拥有的本质上的特征; 固有的
- Aerosol Sampling Error About a Particle Counter 粒子计数器采样气溶胶的误差